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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-12
Re: English teachers gain-lose weight in China?

But you know that just might be....why, you do not meet any nice asian women? Women like their crocodiles to be snappy, and not just in their teeth, lol. No I think now you are slim you need to buy a nice suit, then chinese girls will tell you that you are a very handsome gent.

You are totally right, Tank Worker, nothing wrong with a suit if that is what you like and yes the Chinese girls like it. I see that Silverboy has announced today that he ridicules teachers who wear suits- funny ain't it ,he got all uppity over something I said the other day, maintaining it was up to the individual to decide for himself- These posters are most inconsistent. So ,we may be able to help ,Silverboy-smarten him up, get him in a suit. He wants a wife but he seems to be arriving at a date like something the cat dragged in-hahaha-all good fun. He seems to want a woman but on his terms only-we need to help this man. We need to save him from himself.

#2 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-12
Re: English teachers gain-lose weight in China?

You can't imagine how I hate wearing suits in the deepest of my heart! I would only wear them if I could not avoid it, on formal occasions that I may have to attend. I never wore suits in class - too hot and too inconvenient.

But you know that just might be....why, you do not meet any nice asian women? Women like their crocodiles to be snappy, and not just in their teeth, lol. No I think now you are slim you need to buy a nice suit, then chinese girls will tell you that you are a very handsome gent.

That was addressed to me but think it was meant for Turnoi. However, you are dead right- with respect to him, Turnoi may very well be older than time itself but he looks handsome to me; and he has a cracking sense of humour which would help disrobe many a young Chinese gal. He needs to get a tailor made to measure suit (a bishops stipend must be generous) and then he will be able to charm the birds out of the trees- best not tell Canterbury though hahaha.

#3 Parent Davyhulme Sewage Tank Worker - 2013-07-12
Re: English teachers gain-lose weight in China?

You can't imagine how I hate wearing suits in the deepest of my heart! I would only wear them if I could not avoid it, on formal occasions that I may have to attend. I never wore suits in class - too hot and too inconvenient.

But you know that just might be....why, you do not meet any nice asian women? Women like their crocodiles to be snappy, and not just in their teeth, lol. No I think now you are slim you need to buy a nice suit, then chinese girls will tell you that you are a very handsome gent.

#4 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-11
Re: English teachers gain-lose weight in China?

You may be quite right in this. In 2010, I had reached the "peak" in my overweight, you could see it in the pictures that I had published on here. Then, out of Kenya, staying in China and Nepal, I have really lost all my overweight after eating Chinese and Nepalese food only. It was something like a miracle. I ate less and differently - in Nepal, I ate hardly any meat and mostly only some very delicious vegetable dishes. And I kept moving around instead of sitting in an office all day as I used to do in Kenya there. I am now trying to keep my weight balanced and look rather slim. It's also better for my health, and now I am looking good enough again to walk around in shorts and a simple T-shirt. You can't imagine how I hate wearing suits in the deepest of my heart! I would only wear them if I could not avoid it, on formal occasions that I may have to attend. I never wore suits in class - too hot and too inconvenient. I am a casual-wear type of guy in my true nature....hahaha

I'm pleased to hear it. It doesn't sound like it's been a nightmare for you and that's good, you were aided by a change in location. For others to lose weight is a nightmare-and for many there is no alternative but determination, discomfort and self-control- although, maybe you are being modest and did also discipline yourself greatly. Well done.

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