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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-12
Re: English teachers gain-lose weight in China?

I was obese from the age of five to thirty-five. It took me a long time to find suitable ways of eating to be healthy and not gain weight. I hope what wrote helps.

Brilliant, very well done. I am sure your post will help, some lardy larry. So you are saying that wholemeal rice and nuts take a lot of energy for your body to process? You could be right-celery is supposed to be an ultra-negative energy food is it not? I prefer to keep things even more simple 'count the calories and the pounds will take care of themselves' However, in a way your diet required even more discipline-jolly good show.

#2 Parent juanisaac - 2013-07-12
Re: English teachers gain-lose weight in China?

I meet a few overweight ex-pats here and there. I tell them to cut down on five things: sugar, bread (anything made out of flour),white rice, potatoes, alcohol,and corn. I went from 120 kilos to 67 kilos and have maintained this weight for two-plus years now by just omitting five foods. I eat alot in my meals: salad, soup, nuts, meat etc.

If this is too much, I then tell teachers to try an intermittent fasting diet where they eat two meals a day. They can eat anything they want, but the two meals have to be within eight hours and then nothing for 16 hours until the next day. I actuallly went from 72 kilos to 67 kilos in two months eating like this. One can search on Google to get all the details. The second piece of advice is to substitute food with a lower glycemic index. The glycemic index is how long it takes for food to be turned into glucose by the body. The slower the body turns it into glucose, the less likely you will gain weight. One can substitute sweet potatoes for potatoes, black or brown rice for white rice, red wine for beer, whole wheat bread for white bread, and stevia for sugar. I don't know what can be a good substitute for corn.

I was obese from the age of five to thirty-five. It took me a long time to find suitable ways of eating to be healthy and not gain weight. I hope what wrote helps.

#3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-11
Re: English teachers gain-lose weight in China?

Teaching need not always be stressful, but stress can be a factor in weight gain or loss. There are plenty of other explanations.
The type of English teaching done, the environment, the relationships with colleagues and the nature of the employer, may also cause problems.

A lack of a supportive environment could mean that FTs feel isolated. Isolation can produce many setbacks for FTs in a strange environment. For those FTs who don’t speak the language or are experiencing severe culture shock, there may be an element of ‘comfort’ eating. Sometimes these emotional responses to the immediate environment can produce a greater reliance on alcohol and also a conscious choice in eating food that is familiar. Research indicates that in China it is bacteria that affects weight. No surprise there.

Well-written enough post as usual, CL. Laudable enough sentiments and excuses for inadequates. However, understanding and excusing old 'fat guts' isn't going to help him.

Now to be overweight looks disgusting-No? To be overweight is disgusting-Yes? All this pussy footing around telling Fatso, it's okay ,we understand you are stressed, and that is why you need your comfort food. Actually many overweights used to be smokers and they had to replace their comfort fags with comfort food- the problem with that is that that extra weight is going to get you to the Exeter Crematorium a lot quicker than the time you would have arrived if you'd continued smoking hahaha.

Right, my good advice to fatso- many of us are stressed out, and that's bad enough without being obese to boot. You must stop feeding your face- you must stop feeling sorry for yourself- you must become a stressed-out slim person of good character and strong purpose. Then..then, those tasty Chinese girls may be a knocking on your door- and then- then, you will feel less stressed out.

It doesn't matter about exercise to start with; especially exercising your jaw bones, just stick to 1000 calories a day- any fewer than 800 not good- and more that 1500 will send you up Fat Creek without a paddle.

Put that tape measure around your waste tonight(above the navel) and if you measure more that 37 inches you are in serious trouble- you are medically Centrally Obese- stop farting about and do something about it, please.

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