Return to Index › To Rheno747: improve the wages of everyone everywhere - ESL discussion
#1 Parent Rheno747 - 2005-07-21
I'll take liberalism any day. Throw capitalism on the waste heap of history - ESL discussion

Read Howard Zinn's great history book 'The People's History of the United States'. Let it enlighten you as to how bad any society can get if it allows its elites to have their way. Liberalism has saved us from the abyss of the 'free market' innumerable times. Even with socialism's problems, I'll take it any day over unchecked capitalism.

Read HZ's book if you dare, Mr. Free Market lover.

#2 Parent Carter - 2005-07-20
Unions: hmmmmmm bloody potato. Liberalism spreading through the world thes - ESL discussion

So, what's next?


#3 Parent Elephant - 2005-07-20
Demand a raise - ESL discussion

Don't ask for a raise--demand it. If you want to improve your own lot in life, take action. Demanding a raise is a good start. Will you actually do it? Sorry, but I'm betting against you.

#4 Parent SiamSap - 2005-07-20
A union maybe? - ESL discussion

It was a joke.

However, the fact we need a union is NO joke. The reason we have the liar/cheat/thief problems is because we aren't organized.

Let's form a teacher's union and elect a president of that union.

#5 Parent SiamSap - 2005-07-20
What happened to the one holding a gun to your head? - ESL discussion

Rex, did you press charges against the person who was holding a gun to your head MAKING you work for that 5.25 per hour in LA?

#6 Parent Ray - 2005-07-20
Prez of what? - ESL discussion

Yeah right. What are the odds? you're not even korean.

#7 Parent English guru - 2005-07-19
Foreign citizens cannot seek the Korean presidency. - ESL discussion

#8 Parent SiamSap - 2005-07-19
Rheno For Prez - ESL discussion

If you want an improvement in wages or whatever, teachers have to stick together. Rheno's done his part, now go do your part.

#9 Parent Rheno747 - 2005-07-19
Hmmm.....It's OUR problem, dude - ESL discussion

You want ME to go solve this wage problem? Let me tell you why wages are low to begin with--it's because of US......

WE, that means ME, YOU, and everyone else in the TEFL business, have to stop accepting jobs for low pay.

Why is this suddenly on my shoulders alone?

I've quit working for chicken feed. Perhaps the rest of my TEFL brethren should as well.

#10 Parent BB - 2005-07-19
Assume wrong. - ESL discussion

Teachers in Asia: Union supporters and higher salaries. Back home: Hypocrites and couldn't
care less about these two most important issues.

#11 Parent Rex - 2005-07-19
6.75/hour - ESL discussion

i was making 5.25 in downtown L.A.


Daegu teacher - 2005-07-19
To Rheno747: improve the wages of everyone everywhere - ESL discussion

I make in korea 2 million won/month. I used to make back home 6.75 an hr (Starbucks) 8 to 10 hrs a day. I'll assume that since you want 3 million won a month for english teachers in korea , back home you were a great-campaigner to raise wages and improve... minimum wage for everyone.

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