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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-17
Re: How much do you really know?

Steady on, Dragonized, I don't actually want to make you unhappy and I appear to be doing that. Perhaps it's easy for me to say that- perhaps I don't see what's at stake 'the bigger picture' in the same way that you do-perhaps I should try and be more careful. I hear what you are telling me in a roundabout way- but I think you rather realised i was on the track ,anyway, and had worked things out for myself.

You said you no longer use the term 'Grovelling Weasel'- I personally think it's all good fun, but I spose such terms shouldn't be overused.

I know that there is a lot wrong in China, Dragonized- I know that there are bad schools which need naming and shaming. I also know that there are dubious characters, lazy FT's who will take advantage of the fact that you can say what you like about China and a particular school and get automatically believed. You should be careful that your grievances are not being abused and devalued by the undeserving.

I am afraid that I do not believe that Chinese women in the main are money-grabbing parasites. I do believe that if you can't find a good and reliable girlfriend in China, then you cannot find one anywhere. I do think I have a useful contribution to make on this forum to say 'hang on a bit....'

I hope you have a good evening; and please don't lose any sleep about what is said on a forum, it's not personal.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-07-17
Re: How much do you really know?

This is the 2nd time I am trying to put up a post to respond to you. I will get to the main point and say that you merely disagree with what I am saying because you do not have the experience. From my point of view, you simply have not reached the point where you truly can compare fairly the western vs chinese argument that is being perpetuated. For me, I see someone who wants to put me and others down on a lower "hierarchy" of sorts. This is coming from someone as you who admits that he doesn't have much social leverage back where you come from yourself. You don't like the inequality that was heaped onto you back home, so what do you do on here? You establish the idea that those with a differing opinion belong somewhere lower on the totem pole, so to speak. I feel that you are getting away from inequality only to create your own inequality to make yourself feel more balanced. Unfortunately, you fail to see the fact that you do not actually know enough about the people whom you are talking to to make that kind of judgement. I am not saying I will divulge any personal information to you, but this is my honest opinion.

If you really wanted to create some sort of fair environment for discussion, you would not be degrading others with name calling like SH ("sniggering hyenas" in your vocabulary?). I have stated before that I have stopped using "grovelling weasel" because it does not fairly encompass what others are like. Also, this is another person's idea, and the one who came up with this term has trolling tendencies of his own. Not something I want to be associated with. I do not take what you say as a joke, and the fact that you still want to see me as something less than human is more indicative of your own level of character than anything.

Lastly, I would like to say to the board mods that I understand you do not want any arguments. I would like to steer away from that as well. What I am putting out on this post is not based on impulses of emotion nor is it on any whimsical thoughts. I thought this out over some time and I am putting it out as clearly as possible. If you do not feel as if this post is worth putting up, you will not be hearing from me again. It would be best if both sides left on good, mutual terms.

#3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-15
Re: How much do you really know?

You should be careful too what assumptions you make about places where you haven't worked. For example you said you never worked at Yuncheng IELTS, yet you have written extensively about how the African Teachers there supposedly weren't qualified and even made disparaging remarks about their personal hygiene. Now, for me that could mean you merely took the words of another person who may have worked there for a limited amount of time and took his/her words as being truthful without actually having experienced it yourself. Did you work with African Teachers at any jobs you may have had in the past so that you may actually draw from your own personal experiences? If you don't know any better, then saying things like this can certainly make folks think you have grudges against others because of race and/or ethnic background. Now how many people would believe you after that, besides those who are already racist?

You see, there you go again, Dragonized, twisting the truth., I never made disparaging remarks about the hygiene of Africans- on the contrary I said they paid due care and attention to their hygiene. I think you had better find a post I wrote so as you can prove your accusation!! And this false reporting....well, you are doing it all the time about China and the Chinese.

The African teachers all have degrees and their status in China is legal. They are nice people- sadly it's difficult to understand what they say and more importantly they are not teaching 'The Queen's English' and before you tell me that it's difficult to understand somebody from New York or Newcastle because of their accents-I will say to you those examples are native -born speakers and foreigners should learn that we do have different accents. Anyway, I have never met a natural English speaker with a strong accent who didn't know how to tone it down inside the classroom; whereas African can't tone down their accents.

Where are you in China?

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2013-07-14
Re: How much do you really know?

The issue isn't merely about China or about any other country. I chose a life of work and travel, and I have met some great people abroad, as well as some of the worst I have ever encountered in my life. Now for me the types of people I would end up communicating with the most are also my colleagues who choose a similar lifestyle, and the best as well as worst would be found amongst them as well. My own maturity and growth through this taught me the value of honesty and truth, so anytime I come across something which is dishonest and untruthful wherever I am at I will speak out about it. I happen to see this on the forums, and I choose to speak out against what I see as harmful and useless "advice" which leads people nowhere due to the inherent lack of value provided. That is all. If I had the extensive experience of working in another foreign country, I'd do the same thing. Just so happens I do have this experience with China, and I continue to have access to this experience due to my own personal understanding of her language, history, and various customs to an extent.

You should be careful too what assumptions you make about places where you haven't worked. For example you said you never worked at Yuncheng IELTS, yet you have written extensively about how the African Teachers there supposedly weren't qualified and even made disparaging remarks about their personal hygiene. Now, for me that could mean you merely took the words of another person who may have worked there for a limited amount of time and took his/her words as being truthful without actually having experienced it yourself. Did you work with African Teachers at any jobs you may have had in the past so that you may actually draw from your own personal experiences? If you don't know any better, then saying things like this can certainly make folks think you have grudges against others because of race and/or ethnic background. Now how many people would believe you after that, besides those who are already racist?

#5 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-14
Re: How much do you really know?

It's all in Chinese, but apparently the main issue at hand was a 12 year old girl who gave birth to a child who's father may or may not have been either one of the local teachers or a 70+ year old distant relative. Family problems of abuse, neglect, and even serious issues such as incest are apparent, and often overlooked even in mainstream Chinese society. Now thankfully there seems to be enough people who actually realize that if you don't protect the weaker elements of your society, you are not really protecting anyone.

What motivates you to winkle out all this information, Dragonized- wouldn't it be better for you if you just turned your back on China- why do you keep returning for more of the same-I can't get my head around it???

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2013-07-14
Re: How much do you really know?

Actually, it would be great if someone like you were to go hang out in a peaceful Chinese village somewhere.

You don't actually know a lot of what goes on IMO. There was the recent news of concerns with the increases of underage pregnancy in this country being discussed. I found a snippet of one of these stories:


It's all in Chinese, but apparently the main issue at hand was a 12 year old girl who gave birth to a child who's father may or may not have been either one of the local teachers or a 70+ year old distant relative. Family problems of abuse, neglect, and even serious issues such as incest are apparent, and often overlooked even in mainstream Chinese society. Now thankfully there seems to be enough people who actually realize that if you don't protect the weaker elements of your society, you are not really protecting anyone.

Man, you've been hangin' out in the wrong places. Nevertheless, I'm not surprised by your assessment, as you've been showing yourself for years to be just who you are. In a way that's admirable. In another way it's rather disgusting.

Do you actually know what all his personal experiences are like? What makes you think your "assessments" are so much the better?

And what about the 350 million or so Chinese who are living all over the world?

The number you give is inaccurate, it is actually 35 million. Of course, none of us can say that ALL of them individually are necessarily cruel people. But taken into the type of family environment that they were raised in and couple that with the general ignorance of how human nature works due to that type of raising and you have people who are honestly worse than [edited]. While they may not engage in the types of "sensational" criminal behavior that the media will report on keep in mind that since there are so many that the cumulative behavior of this group of people will end up bringing more negatives to whichever society that they are in than positives, on many levels. For example, Chinese folks who have immigrated will camp out at restaurants all day to scrunge an extra meal free of charge. Chinese students have been known in the past to steal and hoard paper and pens in the thousands from Faculty Offices for no other reason than to obtain the satisfaction of having taken things without anyone noticing. Personally I knew of a Chinese American woman making a six figure salary (and who was married at the time to a Lawyer who made even more money) who was too cheap to buy children's books for her own kids and borrowed these things from other parents so that she can photocopy them at her company's office. It is well known within "overseas chinese" communities that many ethnically Chinese folks will buy clothes and keep the price tags on them so that they can be returned within the given period of days. The childish, lack of common sense behavior of so many of this group of people leads you to think of why would the deplorable lack of education be allowed in the first place for these people.

From my own experience, expats who say they "like", "love", or "support" Chinese people actually do not. They would rather wallow in their own ignorance as well as ignorant ways on how Chinese people really think and "appreciate" both types of ignorance as "culture" as seen by themselves. Kind of insulting, isn't it? I think for some expats who become Sinophiles it is as much the temptation of knowing you are within a group who is less knowledgeable than you that brings about a certain satisfaction and appreciation for themselves. This can be addictive, especially for the expats who were not the winners of life back home.

If you could handle the hardships, you'd learn a lot about the true nature of many Chinese people. Couldn't imagine you or those of the same mindset to do such a thing, though.

So where have you lived in China and what "hardships" have you handled? Do Chinese people who live in urban areas (and there are so many being added by the day as I type this); are they somehow exempt from being evaluated? We are talking about a country where most of the people still remember living as farmers from their parents' generation. How do you know those of a "same mindset" didn't come from the former ideal/romanticist point of view that you yourself sound like you're speaking from?

"Extremely cruel and uncaring...." Harsh words, from the oft confused silverboy.

Your own confusion from what you know vs what you don't know is apparent. Do you separate the cruel/uncaring from the compassionate/caring regarding Chinese culture in your post? Obviously not. You put out even more subjective opinion than the poster whom you are disagreeing with. From your post I would say you've always had Chinese people at arms length(or they you), with one or two intimate/embedded relationships. Certainly, the idea of being friends and being close is very different regarding the people whom you are talking about vs the background where you come from (the west I assume?). You have not come around to realizing that.

#7 Parent fromthebeginning - 2013-07-13
Re: Beelzebub Says-Why are Chinese Americans unhappy?

"The Chinese are an extremely cruel and uncaring race of people."

Man, you've been hangin' out in the wrong places. Nevertheless, I'm not surprised by your assessment, as you've been showing yourself for years to be just who you are. In a way that's admirable. In another way it's rather disgusting. Now, let me see, when you're accepting their pay for services rendered, are you thinking how cruel and uncaring the Chinese are? And what about the 350 million or so Chinese who are living all over the world? They're all cruel and uncaring, too, I suppose. And, excuse my ignorance, but when you refer to Chinese people, are you also referring to minority Chinese, or just the Han? Have you ever hung out with any of the minorities?

Actually, it would be great if someone like you were to go hang out in a peaceful Chinese village somewhere. If you could handle the hardships, you'd learn a lot about the true nature of many Chinese people. Couldn't imagine you or those of the same mindset to do such a thing, though.

"Extremely cruel and uncaring...." Harsh words, from the oft confused silverboy.

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