Return to Index › Re: Beelzebub Says-Why are Chinese Americans unhappy?
#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-14
Re: Beelzebub Says-Why are Chinese Americans unhappy?

Beelze says that in Britain all the Chinese expats are happy, have no problems, hail the queen at Buckingham Palace, sing a song of joy when it rains and curse the devil when Americans visiting the UK prefer coffee instead of tea. He forgot to state that they also praise the funeral undertakers with restrooms in Exeter who print fake degree documents.....hahaha...all good fun!

The Chinese in the UK are happier-but I didn't lay any blame on America for why they all seem to be hanging and poisoning themselves across the pond. I suggested that grumbling malcontent type Chinese go USA way, and Britain gets all the gay and ones with sunny dispositions- I am just unclear as to why?

Topsham doesn't run a fake degree service from its restroom, I merely used their facilities to get it off the internet and print it out-WOW they provide a colour printer as well as laser.

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