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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-21
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

Respond or not? one advances, et tu?

No, not me, San Migs, I'm not into that long-winded stuff-most probably because I'm no good at it. If I attempted to anguish my way through a long and informative post, I'd very soon show my inadequacy. I prefer to nip at the ankles of all you great men- that's my job, and i enjoy it very much.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2013-07-21
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

Respond or not? one advances, et tu?

#3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-21
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

Bet you won't post anything about the issues raised in the post though, no?

Beelzebub knows what his limitations be- he never gets too academic on account of his limited education. Beelzebub makes it a rule never to attempt to gild the lily- so when he read your post, he merely sighed 'That's a lily of a post, drat him'

#4 Parent San Migs - 2013-07-21
Re: Great post on the booze problems of some expats!

It was more a random stream of consciousness, than a coherently thought out post, but thank you.

I meant to adress the reason why they are so many foreign bullies in China like your ex dos boss.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2013-07-21
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

Bet you won't post anything about the issues raised in the post though, no?

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2013-07-20
Re: Great post on the booze problems of some expats!

That was a great post! Thank you!

#7 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-20
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

I am little pressed for time, but I agree with your post so thought I'd like to quickly respond if I may.

A very good and well-written post ,San Mig. I was also highly amused at your little joke, as above- then going on to write the longest post you have ever written hahaha.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2013-07-20
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

I am little pressed for time, but I agree with your post so thought I'd like to quickly respond if I may.

While there is a huge drinking culture in China (anyone who has been to one of those baijiu round table dinners or a ktv room knows what goes on!), it is mostly based around eating dinner or BBQ,dice games and so on. I am not saying that there is not violence associated with it, I personally many many years back saw a drunken chinese guy in a fit, plough his small truck/minivan into a nice flash silver car driven by another chinese guy and his wife, damaging the side body with huge scratch marks, all the while trying to fight with me and a malaysian chinese friend because we refused to drink with him as he was getting to aggressive and persistent that we drink with him. After smashing into the poor chinese guys car, my friend called me to tell him that he tried to run him over later, such was his inebriation.


Then Brits themselves do have a bad reputation overseas, even in the more liberal muslim places like Dubai that allow booze licences, and hotels that have pubs. One only has to compare how the Spanish drink, no puking or fighting everywhere or urinating in the street, I saw a spanish post wedding party outside at a bar in summer everyone was dancing, not off their face drunk, and all went home happy and smiling. Granted Spain has the highest beer consumption in the EU if I do recall correctly, and certainly much more than China, yet even with that nowhere near the amount of drunken violence brits cause at home. I also wonder how much the Brits going on their annual easyjet summer binges contribute to the total of Spain's consumption, the following list is indicative reading:


Sadly, too many westerners take carte blanche of the 24 hour drinking culture. I am currently in Shanghai where there are familymart convenience stores open 24 hours, all selling beer. Personally I like being able to get a beer whenever I want. I think the UK is too PC and too many rules. However, I do not agree it gives individuals like your ex dos boss carte blance to behave like a grade A arsehole with no respect for others. Sadly seems a lot of people seem to lose all former sense of self and humanity once they arrive and stay here.

Good luck.

#9 Parent Dragonized - 2013-07-19
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

I do have to agree with you Incognita. I agree with the statement made by another poster that there are "too many bullies" in China. But many times the Bullies themselves adopt a victim perspective which makes them feel justified at heaping the bullying on to others. My first experience working in China included working the DOS manager at the training center I went to. He didn't like the fact that I didn't drink, smoke, or kiss up to the local Chinese so he accused me of not "backing off" in a drunken tirade and spat in my face. Except that he was six foot four and 260 pounds at least so I don't know what he'd feel threatened by me who is at least 7 inches shorter than him and weighed about 80 pounds less at the time, and it was him who physically assaulted me more than once first, and always.

I have no problems with a friend coming to my house with alcohol on him/her. So as long as they bring the can/bottles away with them when they leave and they are of sound state they may drink at my house. But the excessive alcoholism of some do actually affect negatively others. One alcoholic guy I know devoted a whole 1/2 of class asking his (and my students because we had shared the same class) grade 1 high school students if they could wear their "new uniforms" which comprised of short shorts and a short sleeved tee shirt. The class had only girls at the time with the exception of 1 boy who bothered showing up. You can imagine how some of the students might have felt. The bottom line is that alcoholism creates problems where the teacher in question will behave in a self serving way that makes other uncomfortable. If you're a quiet type of drunk, I'm not going to bother you. But as we all know from experience not all people become quiet and tame when they've had too much gulling to the gizzard.

#10 Parent Incognita - 2013-07-18
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

It was a huge problem to me, because instead of planning my own lessons, I had to jump into these idiots' classes, 15 minutes after they should have started, because they are snoring off whatever they were doing the previous night. And then I would get to talk to the angry parents, and make some stupid ass-covering excuse for the teacher/school as to why he would not just show up to work or tell anyone why he wasn't there.

Simply because I looked down on people for not having the impulse control to hold down a position at McDonalds does not mean I bullied them. I wasn't police FT, I was just sick of cleaning up after their messes. Grasp at another straw, troll.

#11 Parent Davyhulme Sewage Tank Worker - 2013-07-19
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

There's one thing worse than bad schools in my opinion, and that's FT's concerning themselves with the conduct of other FT's- that's the business of the Chinese bosses. I have seen some really evil bullying of an FT by other FT's ganging up on him- if it's not his drinking habit it's his sloppy dress- Bad form, very bad form indeed.

Indeed BB. I was always under the impression FT's should not rat out other FT's. If Davyhulme wants to read the history of manchesters sewers in class, while the little horrors are happy watching mr bean and eating candy, it is my class, my business. Likewise if partying beach bum from california likes to sleep off his hangover and let them do their maths homework, who am I to stand in his way. Too many bullies in China these days!!!!

#12 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-18
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

Seriously, that is what you got out of what I said? I think you are trolling.

I didn't call people losers because they like to drink a bit. I call people losers when they drink so much, every night, that they end up sleeping through there own classes. There is a difference between people who like to have drinks with friends or for movie nights, and people who can be faithfully relied on to miss their own classes at least once/two weeks and show up to work hung over/drunk a good chunk of the remainder of the time. The latter people are losers, and the kind of losers who could never imagine keeping a job that is not singing 'The Wheels on the Bus' for a bunch of kids who do their real learning at another school. Letting your hair down and having fun is one thing, I enjoy doing that. Boozing so much that there is no facet of your life that is untouched by your party habits makes you a loser.

What's it to you if a teacher sleeps through his classes- maybe the students are happy with that slumberous state of affairs- either way, just get on with your own teaching instead of running down other teachers. There's one thing worse than bad schools in my opinion, and that's FT's concerning themselves with the conduct of other FT's- that's the business of the Chinese bosses. I have seen some really evil bullying of an FT by other FT's ganging up on him- if it's not his drinking habit it's his sloppy dress- Bad form, very bad form indeed. wo shi dui de hai shi dui de?

#13 Parent Incognita - 2013-07-18
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

Seriously, that is what you got out of what I said? I think you are trolling.

I didn't call people losers because they like to drink a bit. I call people losers when they drink so much, every night, that they end up sleeping through there own classes. There is a difference between people who like to have drinks with friends or for movie nights, and people who can be faithfully relied on to miss their own classes at least once/two weeks and show up to work hung over/drunk a good chunk of the remainder of the time. The latter people are losers, and the kind of losers who could never imagine keeping a job that is not singing 'The Wheels on the Bus' for a bunch of kids who do their real learning at another school. Letting your hair down and having fun is one thing, I enjoy doing that. Boozing so much that there is no facet of your life that is untouched by your party habits makes you a loser.

#14 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-18
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

Those schools usually either hire two groups of people. One is a bunch of unqualified alcoholic losers who are happy to dance like a good little white monkey for a job performance that even McDonalds wouldn't tolerate in their native countries. These idiots are usually delighted to work for the training center--and who wouldn't? I've known buffoons who slept through their own classes at least once every two weeks and still had a job that paid them an unlimited booze allowance.

Or, they prey on enthusiastic, prepared, and naïve kids who just graduated from university and see ESL as a vehicle for travel/education and saving for graduate school. They are stupid for getting trapped into those schools, yes, but they are usually easy pickings for the training centers because they are brand new to the job market, period...and definitely do not understand the extra jaded lens you need to view China's unregulated ESL market through. They start happy to have a job, then get disillusioned...because they got degrees and creds to be a teacher, and usually end up playing duck-duck go as a substitute teacher for their douchebag co-worker who called out hung over.

Let's get one thing straight, Incognita; degree-holders or not, FT's are not proper teachers; and calling people losers because they like a drink is a bit silly and judgemental- I mean, they, these sleepy boozy teachers may well think you are a loser, for not coming to China (maybe you had to because you couldn't be a proper teacher back home-not saying that's the fact mind) and letting your hair down and having a good time, for what is for most of us an extended working holiday in China and definitely not a career move hahaha- all good fun. am I right or am I right?

This Shane place sounds like a good gig, please send contact details.

One word of warning; whereas being drunk or sober won't interfere with your abilities as an oral English teach, too much drink will put inches around your waist, so best kept to getting blotto once a week.

#15 Parent Incognita - 2013-07-17
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

Those schools usually either hire two groups of people. One is a bunch of unqualified alcoholic losers who are happy to dance like a good little white monkey for a job performance that even McDonalds wouldn't tolerate in their native countries. These idiots are usually delighted to work for the training center--and who wouldn't? I've known buffoons who slept through their own classes at least once every two weeks and still had a job that paid them an unlimited booze allowance.

Or, they prey on enthusiastic, prepared, and naïve kids who just graduated from university and see ESL as a vehicle for travel/education and saving for graduate school. They are stupid for getting trapped into those schools, yes, but they are usually easy pickings for the training centers because they are brand new to the job market, period...and definitely do not understand the extra jaded lens you need to view China's unregulated ESL market through. They start happy to have a job, then get disillusioned...because they got degrees and creds to be a teacher, and usually end up playing duck-duck go as a substitute teacher for their douchebag co-worker who called out hung over.

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