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#1 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-07-26
Re: Why people blame the victim

That is indeed quite a deep response to me taking the piss out of Beelzebub, but you are probably correct there.

#2 Parent SK - 2013-07-25
Re: Why people blame the victim


#3 Parent Dragonized - 2013-07-25
Re: Why people blame the victim

People blame the victim of unfortunate circumstances because they want to shield themselves from ever believing this could happen to them. [edited]

#4 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-07-23
Re: To new posters

Kind of like 'She was asking for it, your honour?'

#5 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-23
Re: To new posters

So when you’ve got a fresh 22 year female graduate from a middle-class background that always dreamed of teaching abroad, that gets scammed, you are going to show that kind of attitude to her?

Absolutely right. She should learn from her mistakes-she should learn to pay for those mistakes. If you don't check a school out properly before you go and work for them, I'm afraid........

#6 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-23
Re: To new posters

Aye, indeed, perhaps it is the smell of shyte in my nostrils, but I have always been one not to tolerate these sissies, oh my bathroom smells, get some bleach and clean it then with a bit of elbow grease, and some air freshener, not like cleaning a sedimentation tank at works number 1 now is it?

Quite right- I bet their bathrooms at homes smelled a lot worse, what with half of Western people being overweight they produce more waste and so the toilets can get even smellier. Obese people should get hammered with a special tax to cover the expense of moving all the extra shite they produce- bloody freeloaders.

#7 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-07-23
Re: To new posters

So when you’ve got a fresh 22 year female graduate from a middle-class background that always dreamed of teaching abroad, that gets scammed, you are going to show that kind of attitude to her? Tell her to get on with it? You’d obviously make a crap manager and therefore probably a crap teacher due to your failure to realise that different people need different styles of guidance.

F**k off with your false sense of working class toughness, you aren’t fooling anybody. For f**ks sake, I came from such a background myself, but you don’t see me showing that kind of thing off.

Why? Although back in s**tville, you might be seen to be down to earth and industrious, people in other parts of the world, or from other backgrounds will just view you as an [edited]. No matter how hard you say that you work.

#8 Parent Dragonized - 2013-07-23
Re: To new posters

I certainly feel that one crap employer can ruin a whole experience. I grew stronger by not sugarcoating China or any country in such an optimistic light. Certainly some of the older expats (no offense to you if you fall under this category of being a 50+ year old) I met contributed directly to having this type of bad experience. It seems like some people treat being in the ESL like a get out of jail free card, and exercise their full right to be an asshole whenever they get the chance. People who wonder why so many dislike some countries and want everyone to just shut up and be grateful can take a look in the mirror. Thank you for posting in support!

#9 Parent Davyhulme Sewage Worker - 2013-07-23
Re: To new posters

Aye, indeed, perhaps it is the smell of shyte in my nostrils, but I have always been one not to tolerate these sissies, oh my bathroom smells, get some bleach and clean it then with a bit of elbow grease, and some air freshener, not like cleaning a sedimentation tank at works number 1 now is it?

#10 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-22
Re: To new posters

Nicely said, sir.

Even when a teacher is fresh off the boat and brand new to the industry, there are certain things that people should not have to go through, regardless.

May I wish that any new posters that have suffered as a result of their bad experience, can proceed to grow stronger and continue working with a better new employer, rather than feeling that their dreams have been crushed thanks to the actions of one crap employer.

Dreams crushed! Poor sensitive cringing individuals. I'd like to give them a sharp smack around the lughole and tell them to get on with it-hahahaha.

#11 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-07-22
Re: To new posters

Nicely said, sir.

Even when a teacher is fresh off the boat and brand new to the industry, there are certain things that people should not have to go through, regardless.

May I wish that any new posters that have suffered as a result of their bad experience, can proceed to grow stronger and continue working with a better new employer, rather than feeling that their dreams have been crushed thanks to the actions of one crap employer.

Dragonized - 2013-07-21
To new posters

I have seen many new posters give out information about places to be avoided in so many countries on here. I just wanted to make a statement on how much I am grateful for what all of you have written. The internet cannot always be a civil place, unfortunately that is how things work sometimes. But despite this I see all of you who have shared personal experiences after going through so much, that I should say nobody else in the world can say that they can encompass what you have been through with a mere few smug remarks or statements on how you have "learned your lesson" or such smarmy types of remarks. There is no hierarchy when it comes to bad experiences, and comparing mine with yours would be something that is selfish to say the least. I can appreciate the patience, fortitude, temerity, and most of all honesty that teachers put into after having experiences which can alter their views of reality even. I hope more truthful posts about the ESL industry comes forward. I hope a minority of detractors will not stop meaningful conversations from happening on this board.

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