Return to Index › Re: Far too many posts hostile to women on here in the last time
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-07-28
Re: Far too many posts hostile to women on here in the last time

I'm glad to hear the works of random strangers who post what EF truthfully stands for bothers you, no offense.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2013-07-27
Re: Far too many posts hostile to women on here in the last time

and also because she was overlooked for promotion. Mixed motives.

mixed motives my arse!!!! EF does not give a solitary shit about anyone, education and business has no reason to mix themselves up! [edited]

#3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-27
Re: Far too many posts hostile to women on here in the last time

I worked with LondonGirl. She is all too real.

She was ordered to remove all her posts defending EF by - guess who? Yes, that's right. EF!

She left EF because she wasn't allowed to teach the way she wanted to, and also because she was overlooked for promotion. Mixed motives.

I work in the corporate department (meaning I still do), so I don't have to deal with as much of the crap.

I don't miss her. But she did have you guys scurrying!

Well, according to, Turnoi, you are talking about me, hahaha, or Mancunian, or Woodbine Willie, or various other delinquents. Yes indeed she did have them seedy-sixers scurrying, they didn't know their arses from their elbows, hahaha. She needs to return to the forum, crack a whip-hand out a bit of stick.

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-07-27
Re: Far too many posts hostile to women on here in the last time

I worked with LondonGirl. She is all too real.
She was ordered to remove all her posts defending EF by - guess who? Yes, that's right. EF!

She left EF because she wasn't allowed to teach the way she wanted to, and also because she was overlooked for promotion. Mixed motives.

I work in the corporate department (meaning I still do), so I don't have to deal with as much of the crap.

I don't miss her. But she did have you guys scurrying!

Do you really think that anybody could care less about what EF have to say? Even CCTV has rumbled you guys on national TV.

#5 Parent Colleague of LondonGirl - 2013-07-27
Re: Far too many posts hostile to women on here in the last time

I worked with LondonGirl. She is all too real.

She was ordered to remove all her posts defending EF by - guess who? Yes, that's right. EF!

She left EF because she wasn't allowed to teach the way she wanted to, and also because she was overlooked for promotion. Mixed motives.

I work in the corporate department (meaning I still do), so I don't have to deal with as much of the crap.

I don't miss her. But she did have you guys scurrying!

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