Return to Index › LOSERS - ESL discussion
#1 Parent Elephant - 2005-07-21
The MGM Grand - ESL discussion

Who's complaining?

All I'm reading are posts from people demanding better. I appreciate their efforts.

I thank Buddha I don't have to depend on YOU, MGM, to bring about changes for the better.

I'd be in shackles working 18 hours a day if I did.

At least I'd be working, I'd be getting paid a nickel a day, and I'd have free housing, so I wouldn't have any reason to complain, would I?

SHUT UP and get back to work! Go enjoy your bondage!

#2 Parent jinchafa - 2005-07-21
Re: losers - ESL discussion

First, let me thank Howard Zinn for recognizing the value of this ongoing discussion regarding wages and benefits in China and elsewhere in Asia. As for you MGM, if you are an EFL teacher, I hope you don't teach reading skills until you have developed said skills yourself. Those of us who you so blithely describe as complainers are actually attempting to raise the awareness of others, be they in Asia now or be they planning to come here. How you manage to read that as complaining is beyond my understanding.
Personally, I have nothing to complain about. I've been in China long enough to learn the ropes. I'm quite satisfied with my current salary and benefits, but I couldn't have reached this point of satisfaction had I not learned how to negotiate from the position of knowing my true value as an instructor.
Finally, I care about my fellow EFL teachers and want them to know what they deserve - not what they should settle for.
Oh, by the way, you know what you can do with your "shut up."

#3 Parent Rheno747 - 2005-07-21
Free housing? I wish. - ESL discussion

Most of the jobs I'm finding outside of Thailand on sites these days don't provide 'free' housing. About a third provide a stipend, which covers the true cost (rent, utilities, et. al) in most cases. The remaining jobs provide nothing--no flat, no stipend, nothing.

I worked in Thailand for a year. Outside of Bangkok you'll get free housing if you work for a government school. That's not a bad deal. The problem is you won't be making much money. This is fine if you're not looking to make any. I AM looking to make money. I want compensation, as I don't get anything else doing the thankless task called TEFL teaching.

If one gets a stipend from a school it means he/she must rent a pad. This means a rather large deposit must be paid first. A deposit that'll be forfeited if the renter cuts out early.

'Free' housing? Yeah, right.

#4 Parent BD - 2005-07-20
Wrong board - ESL discussion

I agree! You all need to go back home, buy a pick up truck, and become a contractor (ie: maintenance man, lawn mower, janitor).

Dazzle us with your story of how you are is a millionaire and never grad-gee-ated from no dang school.

Go get another six pack of Bud MGM! Come on -- burp for me redneck!

MGM - 2005-07-20
LOSERS - ESL discussion

You people (so-called teachers) have all got to be the most pathetic species of LOSERS anywhere.

Complain, complain...complain.

You get paid, yet it's not enough.
You get free housing, yet it's not good enough.

Shut up.

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