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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-08-05
Re: Withholding a deposit - Ningxia

I would not recommend going to NingXia. You are better off trying other places. Foreigners have very little leverage in places like china as it is. If you work in Ningxia you will have no leverage whatsoever and experience the full brunt of Sino Xenophobia. You want to work overseas so you can enjoy life. You don't want to live with your head down and always be apologetic just for being a foreigner. Getting treated like a doormat brings on depression and a destruction of self worth. I speak from personal experience, having lived and worked there. You can take a look at the "Alan" poster's advice on how the PSB treats foreign people to know that this is a general reflection of how the local Chinese there view everyone. You will not make real friends there. Keep looking.

#2 Parent Alan - 2013-08-03
Re: Withholding a deposit - Ningxia

I taught in Yinchuan for two semesters a couple of years ago. I enjoyed the city and its people. You can do so too.

Your pay will allow you to live well enough there. As for withholding a deposit, you can take the view that your boss is helping you save some of your pay for a rainy day, which may well occur upon terminstion of your contract if the past is anything to go by. About your contract, follow it to the letter. You don't want to get into a dispute with your employer. Ningxia PSB will probably side with your boss despite his shortcomings if you dare to break your contract and that is brought to their attention.

Ningxia immigration authorities pack a punch. It's best not to fall foul of them. They'll take you to the cleaners given the chance to do so. They also have a bad attitude towards foreigners and fall rather short in the good manners department!

#3 Parent Kevin - 2013-08-03
Re: Withholding a deposit - Ningxia

Thsnks for your advice. I have a few days to accept or decline the job offer. As things stand at present, I'll accept the Ningxia offer if nothing better comes my way. I know 85 RMB/class is low pay, but I'm hoping the cost of living will be low in Yinchuan. In any case, I'm a vegetarian. So, my eating expenses will be low.

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