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#1 Parent San Migs - 2013-08-10
Re: Body Odor

True. Better to bring ample supplies from your own country I find. The quality will be better, and it will be cheaper, invariably. That said I have noticed even in some 2nd tier cities, things are improving. The nivea roll on is ok I find, for men.

#2 Parent Jerry L'épeire - 2013-08-08
Re: Body Odor

I think some new foreigners just struggle to find good deodorant in China

Or at all. I usually stock up on deodorant in the summer months, as many places in China stop selling it in the cold season because according to one local, "no one sweats when it's cold."

partially due to the fact that a lot of smelly local people don't wear it.

There's definitely truth to this. I've encountered locals who have literally never heard of deodorant (which isn't quite so surprising; I've yet to see any Chinese brand deodorant anywhere). Most would assume I was talking about perfume, then I'd have to explain that it's like perfume but primarily for your armpits and not as pricey =/
#3 Parent juanisaac - 2013-08-08
Re: Body Odor

One good technique is for you to wear some body perfume so you can smell more of you and less of that other person.
Also, be nice to the other teacher and minimize contact with him or her. Complaining about someone to the boss over body odor issues is quite petty. Only report behaivior that will bring harm to you or other students.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2013-08-07
Re: Body Odor

There is deodorant to be found. Back when I was in China there were foreign chain stores like Watson's in some places. Of course, I wouldn't bring it up directly with her. Maybe gift her with a basket full of expensive soap on her birthday? How about making a joke yourself about your own body odor even if you don't have any? Maybe be like, "Man, I forgot to shower a couple days back and I smell. But, I bought some extra soap. Here you want some?" Maybe say to her how you learned to control it by showering every day, changing clothes on the same day if you sweat, and buying decent soap (even China has places that sell hand made, organic or at least near organic ones now). I hope you get this issue resolved. I know it can be a hassle if you have to put up with this every day, but taking some form of action is better than none. For me, being a little giving is enough for most people to take the hint and take my advice seriously. Thank you for putting in the time to write this, I wish you the best of luck!

#5 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-08-07
Re: Body Odor

Other's didn't luck out with the body chemistry thing...it's not their fault.

Quite agree with your whole post [edited]

#6 Parent Jennifer - 2013-08-07
Re: Body Odor

No, you should not just run above someone's head and report them to management over a body odor problem out of the blue. Not only is that a very unfair thing to do to your co-worker, but it is going to negatively effect your working relationship. If it's as big of a problem as you seem to think it is, management will get a whiff of it themselves. If not, then you shouldn't be the person throwing everyone in the office under the bus in order to build your own cozy little work environment. It's just such a petty thing to go around getting co-workers in trouble for.

Frankly, BO is a rough thing in China--maybe this is different where other people are, but in my city, there's not a stick of deodorant to be found. Thankfully, not a problem for me--showering regularly does the trick. Other's didn't luck out with the body chemistry thing...it's not their fault.

#7 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-08-06
Re: Body Odor

Is it me, or have any of you ever worked with a teacher who has really bad body odor? I have worked with this (cough) teacher for about a month now, and the odor never goes away! What can I do to help? She's a really nice person, but I don't want to smell her any more.Should I report her?

Oh dear, you poor thing. Some of us do have a bad body odour, no matter how much we try and keep clean. Should you report her? Don't be daft...maybe if you are a strong person and a kind one you can have a careful word with her herself- otherwise, put up with it; an FT should never complain about another FT for any reason, unless one's safety is in doubt. Leave it to the bosses and the students to do the complaining.

#8 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-08-06
Re: Body Odor

I think some new foreigners just struggle to find good deodorant in China, partially due to the fact that a lot of smelly local people don't wear it. I've heard horror stories of men thinking it is a girly thing and those stories might be partially true, as I usually tend to find deodorant next to the sanitary towels in the supermarket.

twinklebug - 2013-08-06
Body Odor

Is it me, or have any of you ever worked with a teacher who has really bad body odor? I have worked with this (cough) teacher for about a month now, and the odor never goes away! What can I do to help? She's a really nice person, but I don't want to smell her any more.Should I report her?

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