Return to Index › DOS , how about Sample Contracts ? - ESL discussion
#1 Parent Dos - 2005-07-21
Blimey - ESL discussion

What do you think I am, a contract lawyer or something?
Even though I doubt western contract law would be applicable here, I try and make sure my contract is as specific as possible, even if the subtleties are totally lost on the Chinese employer.
You want to post a contract go ahead, I ain't posting mine, and I am not about to spend time writing one!

Mark - 2005-07-20
DOS , how about Sample Contracts ? - ESL discussion

Contract--from Latin -written agreement.
Law ! The language should be well-chosen.
Does " shall " mean the same as " will "?
Those who studied Law would say --No !
The appendix and the attached pages should be written in the same way.
What do you think about this ?

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