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#1 Parent Roo - 2013-12-21
Re: Aile Education Group (aka Shane)

If your looking for a job in China there really are many better places to work than AILE/Shane. As Will and other people said they don't honour contracts so you might not have a job there, and all management especially Maggie the Boss will lie to you as much as they can

Keep on looking as there are good jobs, but not at Shane/Aile

#2 Parent Will - 2013-08-10
Re: Aile Education Group

Barbara, I would seriously consider changing jobs.

Admittedly, I am personally affect by Shane, as my experiences as well as others I know were not good. Be especially wary if you are working in Dongying, Shandong. This includes the districts:

East City Dongying
West City Dongying

I am unsure if they have expanded into Kenli yet. This is for the Aile/Shane school in Dongying, Shandong province. I am not sure if Aile only does Shane schools, but the group I was with used both names, and interchange when trouble is about. I may be pre-emptive and perhaps you are not going to this region, but if you are, beware. I shall provide some links that are from this forum, i have provided the raw link:



These are two which I have known well as I have known the posters involved. There are others, please use the search feature on this site to find more. Also, not this recent post by I sure as hell hope is a Chinese person posing as a Foreigner, as their name is Candy:


This post, I cannot say is illegal, but due to recent laws it is certainly suspicious. Though perhaps some nationalities may still do the run to HK to change their visas. Mind you this is Shane, not Aile, and as I stated I am not sure if they are always the same. Though a quick search on Google seems to only bring up Dongying in relation to Aile. So once more be warned of Aile Education Group and or Shane English!

#3 Parent Barbara - 2013-08-08
Re: Aile Education Group

Hi. Could you please give me a little more information too? I accepted a job offer starting with September and I'm in the middle of my visa application.
Thank you.

#4 Parent Dyl - 2012-11-29
Re: Aile Education Group

Hi Sarah, did you find out any more about Aile Education Group? I am very interested to know as I recieved a job offer as well. Please reply! Thank you

Sarah - 2012-07-04
Aile Education Group

Hello! I was just offered a job in China with Aile Education Group in Dongying, Shandong, but I can't find any helpful information about their company. According to their website, however, they branched out from Shane English schools in Japan, which I know has a TERRIBLE reputation out there...
I've taught in Japan before with Interac and, though I didn't agree with all their policies, I had a pretty good experience for the most part, and a much better experience than some other ALTs I met with who worked with other companies...
Anyway, I've never been to China and don't have as many recommendations to go off of there. I just want to save a decent amount of money while seeing a new place, without being horribly mistreated and miserable. I'd like to think that's not too much to ask and even think my expectations are realistic, having dealt with the BS dealt out by other companies in the past.
Can anyone offer any advice about this company?
Thanks in advance!

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