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#1 Parent Davyhulme Settlement Tank Cleaner - 2013-08-17
Re: Mission Impossible

You say that "being arrogant won't go down well with the Chinese". A bit pot and kettle don't you think? The only race of people I can think of that are more arrogant than the Chinese are the Japanese, or maybe French and Koreans. I disagree that FT's should have to sing English songs, even at a public university. And so what if an FT has a nice flat with free gas and electricity and is paid 5000 or 6000rmb a month? That is what they SHOULD BE getting, and more than that in my opinion. We do our classes/lectures, get paid on time each month or fortnight, and that's it. That's how it should be.

FT's should not have to do English corners or judging, it should not be compulsory.

Fair enough Sboy, was a bit drunken when posting that. You are right about the arrogant and pot calling kettle black. But I met two FT's in their 50s, one who admitted to his students he was "poor" (why on earth would you admit that to your students at a public school, bit odd?) and dressed like he did not have two ha'pennies to rub together, yet still felt everything should be like the USA even though he only had a rusty old car to sleep in there. In China he could indulge his smoking, boozing and womanizing, which he simply could not in the poverty belt back home, last I heard he was living with his daughter not that I care, he never made many friends, either chinese or foreign. Another aussie in his fifties was living at home outside melbourne with mum and dad, with not a pot to piss in, married a younger and far richer chinese wife, and you can guess what happened, she was not impressed with his living conditions in Australia. Those are the types of FT's I meant should leave their hubris at the door, not wealthy guys like yourself who do not need to depend on a public job and can tell them to stick their english corner where the sun does not shine! And a lot of public jobs do include english corners sadly, I also despise and detest them myself. But ofttimes they get cancelled, or at worst case, you can flit off early. I didn't say anything wrong with a free flat, worked a lot of public jobs myself, nice perk of the job, but I still prefer to rent my own place downtown, living on campuses tends to be boring, and one can work part time if one has their own gaff easy enough.

Good luck with the wife hunt sboy

Tank cleaner

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