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#1 Parent Captain Nemo - 2013-10-04
Re: Silly newbies.....they make me laugh.

Pretend Sam Cong (or Lady Thistlethwaite again?), again a great job; the twat has deleted his stupid post!....hahahahahaha

#2 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-09-30
Re: Indeed, be careful guys!

They aren’t really even funny now. The desperation is just so obvious. However, this board does get mocked on other forums due to stuff about nasty elderly posters, etc. I think this kind of perception is what the wumaos want.

#3 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-09-30
Re: Silly newbies.....they make me laugh.

Sam, we know you work for a shitty training centre, but you really shouldn’t fight against the wumao dui. Regadless of the fact that he won’t put the ice pipe down, he’s one of your allies, lol.

#4 Parent Sam Cong - 2013-09-30
Re: Silly newbies.....they make me laugh.

Isn't technology amazing! I love China!

Sounds like you have no degree, are working illegally on an L visa and that the progress of Chinese students at your "dear training centre" is none of your primary concerns and that your "dear training centre " had been issuing a fake TEFL cert to you.

So, for a change, how about reporting you? Low-lives like you should really be deported from China!!!!

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2013-09-30
Re: Indeed, be careful guys!

The poster who started this thread may be a wumao himself. Think about it, as the thread seemed to purposefully try and gauge the worst, knee jerk types of reactions from the poster. Any teachers who are new to the board and who read this thread may be tempted to think that the regular posters are cold, lacking in compassion and childish. This makes the board lose credibility. This is an old political trick. Sending in your cronies to the other side to pretend and support your opponent and then baiting your opponent into a more radicalized stance. I'd be careful.

#6 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-09-30
Re: Silly newbies.....they make me laugh.

You aren’t actually a wumao unless you are one of the paid employees of the government’s propaganda arm. There are several different names for people like you. Either way, as trolls go, you aren’t a very good one. I have known crackheads that communicate far more coherently than you.

#7 Parent WhatYouTalkin'boutWillis? - 2013-09-29
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