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#1 Parent Paul Barry - 2005-08-01
Visa - ESL discussion

You cannot legally teach for even one day until you get the Z visa, make this clear to the school
They should help you, but it is always your personal responsibility to get all necessary visas to visit, live or work in CHina, the school is NOT responsible.
After all, the school cannot be deported or fined, but you CAN.
Arrive weeks before school starts, so you have plenty of time to get the Z visa, physical exam, foreign experts certificate and resident permit... It is time consuming, but painless and cheap.

Paul Barry

#2 Parent Cooper - 2005-07-13
Buckland Offer - ESL discussion

I was in touch with Buckland too and was very excited about the prospect, until I did a quick search on this site. Run Buckland through the school review board here and re-evaluate working with Buckland.
I've never been to China, and have minimal teaching experience, but I've decided to keep looking at other schools and agencies and feel more comfortable with some of the other people I've been in touch with. Good luck to you.

#3 Parent Pascal - 2005-07-12
re - ESL discussion

Go with a Z-visa. Going to China to teach english without a working visa before hand would be a big mistake in my opinion. Always reject a position that does not offer help with a Z-visa (working visa). A L or F visa will give you trouble later on since you will be at the mercy of the school, and they may change the condition of the contract since you are there and must have a Z-visa to legally teach english in China.

ESL wannabe - 2005-07-09
China: is my offer legit

Okay, Buckland offered me a position that I accepted and faxed a signed contract. I thought would need a Z visa. I was told to apply for an L visa or and F visa would do. They did email a letter of invitation which I didn't think was necessary for those two 90-day visas. Should I apply for a Z or will I be okay. I hope to teach for an 11-month contract and possibly extend if all goes well. Coincidentally they are based in Yangshou.

Thanks, this is a first from me. I'm in USA.

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