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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-10-10
Re: EFL schools that will hire without a degree

In certains parts of china its legal to work without a degree.
I have worked for many different public schools , all legal schools that sponsor z visa, work permit,and foreign expert certificate, without a degree in Hunanay away from province.

I should stress that all these schools were good paying three day a week public schools and not trainning mills.

Different provinces have different rules so double check everything first.

Just stay away from traininese centers

Most likely not legal, but a case of authorities turning a blind eye when teachers are desperately needed. Certain parts of Liaoning province and Xinjiang are said to show similar cases, although they might have clamped down; Inner Mongolia seems to have become a test bed for visa crackdowns now.

#2 Parent juanisaac - 2013-10-10
Re: EFL schools that will hire without a degree

In reality to teach in China you do not really need a degree. Mostly you will be teaching Oral English and maybe children. A few months of self-learning and that experience you are getting now will help. But to get a legitimate working visa you will need a degree though.

In China laws are made to be interpreted according to the area. One law, for example, states that you must be over 25 to get a working visa. But next week my school will get a new teacher who is 23 years old. So you might get a legit visa from a place that has trouble getting foreign teachers.

I believe you can find work in China. Just make sure that the school knows that you do not have a degree. Don't use a fake degree. Also ONLY come on a Z visa. Do not get suckered in with comming on a business or tourist visa with the promise of the school to change it later. Either this school does not have a license to hire foreigners, or they want to check you out first to see if they want to hire you- at your expense of course.

#3 Parent Jeffrey A Downs - 2013-10-10
Re: EFL schools that will hire without a degree

Thanks to everyone for the feedback; its definitely helpful. Based on what I've heard and read, I think I will post my resume on several sites and with some recruiters and maybe even directly to a few schools and see what happens. If something verifiable and legitimate comes along, I'll consider it. In the meantime, I'll be volunteering here and pursuing a degree. Open to more suggestions....

#4 Parent Anton - 2013-10-10
Re: EFL schools that will hire without a degree

In certains parts of china its legal to work without a degree.

I have worked for many different public schools , all legal schools that sponsor z visa, work permit,and foreign expert certificate, without a degree in Hunanay away from province.

I should stress that all these schools were good paying three day a week public schools and not trainning mills.

Different provinces have different rules so double check everything first.

Just stay away from traininese centers

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-10-09
Re: EFL schools that will hire without a degree

Sorry to sound harsh, but if this is truly the career that you want, I'd suggest that you spend your time getting a degree, even though they are probably overrated in the west these days. Your CELTA/TEFL etc certificates only prove that you can teach, but it won't get you a visa. There are lots of teachers who get visas without a TEFL, but not without a degree.

There's a lot of other teachers out there and not having a degree kind of leaves you at the bottom the pile, at the mercy of businesses that certainly don't have your concerns at heart. If you go to China now, the chances are that you will get taken for a ride and all that you will probably experience during the time that you have spent gaining experience is a loss of self esteem and self respect. Do a degree course instead, you will most likely learn something far more usual and interesting.

Finally, don't ever risk getting one of those fake degree certificates like a certain 'Wooden Willy' poster on this board, China businesses/government offices are verifying diplomas these days, an older friend of mine went through a right load of ballache getting his degree verified by his uni after applying for a job, you need to give the exact title of the course etc, they actually are checking things properly it seems, although I had no problem whatsoever with mine for some reason. His degree is certainly real and he had issues, so I wouldn't fancy your chances with a fake one.

In the past in Beijing, you apparently used to be able to get a fake certificate anywhere around the various printing shops in Wudaokou for the equivalent of a few dollars and lots of teachers did that, but I reckon that just simply can't be done now. Well, not with a legitimate organisation anyway.

#6 Parent Necro - 2013-10-09
Re: EFL schools that will hire without a degree

Most people are going to say that you need a degree, and you do. What they don't tell you is that it is almost impossible NOT to get a job here..What matters the most is working legally.. but that's not to say you can't work here.. and it depends on the working environment that you feel comfortable with.. At the end of the day the answer is.. -YES- Yes, you can get a job here. If, you're a student now, or plan to study here, they are now offering a student visa to work part time while you study...A frequent poster here even gave me a point to look into scholarships.. I suggest you do that too if you want to study here..Man, your 37.. Come here and experience something new!.. and yeah.. it may be hyped up to be in China.. but it's something that you will never forget, whether good or bad experiences..So, if you want to come, do just that.. Now, to clarify.. I'm not telling you to come here and work illegally! I'm saying that it's your choice.. I'm also saying that's nothing new here.. PEOPLE DO GET DEPORTED FOR THIS TYPE OF THING!!!! Choose wisely..

Jeffrey A Downs - 2013-10-08
EFL schools that will hire without a degree

Hello, just looking for a bit of advice as to where I might be able to teach without a degree. I'm a 37 year old part-time college student, and I just recently completed my CELTA certification. Obviously, I would be way more marketable with a Bachelors Degree and some experience, but I wanted to see if anyone out there knows of private language schools that will hire teachers without a degree . I am currently volunteering with a local literacy organization to obtain some experience. I am particularly interested in Eastern Europe, Russia, China, Indonesia, or South America. I would even be interested in a volunteer organization for some practical experience in teaching English abroad. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Jeff

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