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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-10-12


I found some information on this case. It took place at a small city called Lin Chuan which is a prefecture of Fu Zhou City (not to be confused with the capital of Fujian Province. This Fu Zhou city is in Jiangxi and is a mid sized city by Chinese standards).

The student attended No. 2 High School and was a Grade 3 high school Student. Kids who get sent here supposedly have a high chance of getting into a "good" university in China. Unfortunately the price paid is a very high level of cramming. Supposedly almost half of all students from Jiangxi Province who go to Tsinghua or Peking University come from this high school.

Places like these basically treat both the students and the teachers inhumanely with an insane amount of work load. The sad thing is, kids who are brought up through this type of "educational" system are ill equipped in the real world towards realizing their own complete, full personality.

People who grow up in this kind of a system have all sorts of deficiencies when it comes to being normal, self confident, and respectable human beings who treat others as equals. It's time folks started to think about if they really should just neglect these sorts of problems and let a majority of people in the world wallow in their own "cultural" ignorance as earth becomes a smaller and smaller place to live in due to technology, global economics, and more human beings who live on the planet.

#2 Parent Iamyouandyouareme - 2013-10-11
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