Stop talking rot, it is stated, but you just want to make arguments. I don't need to find links, 7 years of experience and oh, paying NO BILLS at every last public job is on my side. I never worked full time at crappy TC's so I don't care or know about them. stop being a fawning weasel!
SAFEA states differently, no BILLS!
Show us where they say this......oh, YOU CAN'T
This is the problem a lot of uhming and ahhhing once I took them to task on it. The other teachers are cowards and just accept the appendix of the contract blindly. SAFEA states differently, no BILLS! Water and internet and gas is free, only electricity they want us to stump up for. I smell a rat as turnoi likes to use on here, and rightly so! Why should someone get extra cash each month for something that could and should be free to all!!!!
I worked in China for a couple of years. If the school started out paying for your power, you are right it's a bloody liberty to change part way through your contract. In Thailand it's a bit different, they pay my rent but I had to find my own house and pay for services. It's the same deal for all the teachers I know.
You pay the electric if it is stated in your contract... otherwise not.
Been busy, so not been posting as much, but I agree, cheating people out of money is wrong. Also an FT should have a totally free apartment. My current school is trying to get me to pay for electricity, they will fail, SAFEA laws state it is not on!!!