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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-10-29
Re: What does "excellence in education" depend on?

I do feel that Chinese leaders are a bit excessive when it comes to morality in schools though... They are very out of touch to say the least. Or maybe I am very liberal.

Trying to stop teenagers from getting attracted to each other is kind of like fighting nature, sure we have to protect them a little, because they might not be old enough to make the right choices yet (and we have to protect them from dirty perverted bra-inspecting Chinese teachers too), but there is a limit to what we can really do. This excessive morality campaign could even have the reverse effect as teenagers and young adults will naturally rebel against authority. Hell, if you tell them that sex is a dirty and horrible thing, they will probably feel encouraged to try it. Look at Britain's teenage pregnancy rate for example.

Does anybody remember those D.A.R.E (Drug abuse resistance education) campaigns in western primary schools? After completing our course, we'd get a free t-shirt and a trip to McDonald's. Those free t-shirts became quite popular amongst emos, punks and stoners that were still skinny enough to fit in to kids t-shirts. I was never going to be that slim as an adult, so mine merely got used for washing the car, but never mind. That was probably not quite the effect that the organisation originally intended.

I also remember another anti-drugs campaign at my secondary school. They gave us colourful postcards that warned us of the dangers. Funnily enough, they made excellent roach material for spliffs at lunchtime.

As for sex education at my school, I remember when I was about 14, getting lectured by a devout Catholic who was proud to be an unmarried virgin at 30 years of age. It was rather awkward, sitting down and getting lectured about issues regarding sex by somebody who actually has far less experience of sex than your rather young teenage self. I much preferred my father's stern yet encouraging warning of "If you aren't in bed by 12... Come home!"

As for religious education... (@Turnoi - This is a not a dig, just an observation which you may be able to relate to when teaching related matters) Screaming at us in the most terrifying of ways as young boys is not going to motivate us to pray or sing hymns. Nor is telling us to be thankful to a god for everything that we have, when for some of us have next to nothing, living in a shit council house, our fathers are in prison and our mothers are hooked on smack (My childhood was not quite so bad, but for some of my classmates, it really was that bad). Then finally when you find out that quite a few of these teachers at this rather religious primary school had been found out to be paedophiles and locked up, one can easily become rather sceptical about any lesson in morality that they may offer.

So if Chinese schools lecture about morality when half of the admin guys are getting caught syphoning money away at every possible opportunity, banging the students/hookers and living a lifestyle that contradicts the one that they preach, similar effects may be encountered.

I feel that although teachers should not condone what is considered to be immoral behaviour, they should at least be honest about it to an extent.

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