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#1 Parent Superior Monkey - 2013-11-02
Re: re: first time teaching in China

Hi, Dole Dosser, John O'Shei has no name.

Can happen when Willy The Moron is Woodbine Woodenleg Willy who is the Genuine Woodbine Woodenleg Willie, who in turn is Beelzebub, Mancuinan, but in the end only Willy The Moron.

Same like with a cow that is not an ox but is cattle, while an ox is not a cow but cattle. So, if the ox is cattle as well as a cow, why is the cow not an ox and an ox not a cow?

Something to discuss in your English "lesson"...hahahaha

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-02
Re: re: first time teaching in China

I've got a feeling that this was one-off alias from a regular poster. Whoever that was, that was f**king hilarious.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-02
Re: re: first time teaching in China

Oh my name again... Would you like to go to 50:50 or phone a friend? Woodbine Willy has lived in China and still can't work out the name, that speaks wonders, lol.

#4 Parent Dole Dosser - 2013-10-31
Re: re: first time teaching in China

Whereabouts in Ireland are you from? Galway boy, nice pints in the pub there, and good fish and chips dear boy.

#5 Parent Emperor of China - 2013-10-30
Re: re: first time teaching in China

I am China's last emperor and want to reply to your input as follows:

Hello lads,

Hi lad, I am not a lad but nevertheless you might like to read my input below.

I am hoping you can help me out here. I'm looking for a job teaching in China, I downloaded a book off the internet called the communicative method, and bought myself a dictionary and am trying to improve my english before I go out there.

I see. What do you think must be an ESL teacher's academic profile to teach in China or anywhere else? Your e-book on the communicative method won'r get you very far. As an experienced teacher educator (not "trainer") I can tell you that the communicative method is only one of the teaching approaches in Language Pedagogy among others. And it does not tell you how to write a lesson plan, structure your lesson in class and explain grammar points that you may be asked to explain by your students. Yeah, and practical experience in teaching is not included either.

But I don't have a degree and have only just got myself

The lack of a degree that is normally required will give you the shittiest job with the shittiest employers, if at all. And expect hell.

got myself a flat from the housing association like and what is a TEFL, sounds like a brand of kettle to me?

In China, there is no housing association to help you if you were homeless.
TEFL = Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
BTW, do you know what "UK" means? Perhaps "utter kings"?

I also only have 19 quid to my name and don't want to go out there empty handed, is part time work possible, like even working in a bar or as a pot washer.

Certainly a lot of money - more than enough for dying. To live on?....No. Before you go to China, you may perhaps rob a bank to have enough cash to pay for a flight ticket and to have some more cash to survive on your own in the first two months.

Thanks for these boards lads, very encouraging, and hope you can help me, the economy in england is bad now, and that mr cameron has cut my benefits right down.

Mr Cameron himself is very poor and almost on the dole...after the next elections that he will have lost. And he will become the most famous squatter in a run-down, empty house in London. Willie The Moron will then come, buy that rotten house for 4 quids and send a gang of pimps he has hired to make him leave the house by force. You will be most likely in China by then, drive a Rolls Royce with three wheels, with a bunch of happy Chinese kids running behind your car and shouting: "Teacher, teacher, teacher".

Yes, indeed China is for you!

***Irony turned off***

#6 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-10-30
Re: re: first time teaching in China

‘Anything you can PORN?’

Oh dear... To be honest, I think I’d sooner get bummed for pennies on camera, than work in China without a real degree though.

By the way, nice one for making all of my compatriots sound absolutely retarded, you complete and utter arsehole.

#7 Parent stompy - 2013-10-30
Re: re: first time teaching in China

How do you do, Alan.
It's alright, i can help but is there anything you can porn or raise some air fare, beg borrow or steal somehow? I have connections in China but firstly I would like to get you to Thailand to sort out your degree problems. We just need your air fare one way to Thailand, and that is the only thing I cannot help you with. Can I just ask you one very important question. Are you a natural first language speaker and do you look the part..although brown hair and dreadlocks may be ok for China? Is there any way you can leave an email address for me to communicate with you ,please. I can't find everybody a job so I need to just arrange things with you personally. Don't use your main email address just open up a new one with hotmail. I admire that you want to improve yourself. You have get up and go, and i will try and help because i had similar problems in my life in London.

Hello lads,

I am hoping you can help me out here. I'm looking for a job teaching in China, I downloaded a book off the internet called the communicative method, and bought myself a dictionary and am trying to improve my english before I go out there. But I don't have a degree and have only just got myself a flat from the housing association like, is a degree a prerequizite and what is a TEFL, sounds like a brand of kettle to me? I also only have 19 quid to my name and don't want to go out there empty handed, is part time work possible, like even working in a bar or as a pot washer.

Thanks for these boards lads, very encouraging, and hope you can help me, the economy in england is bad now, and that mr cameron has cut my benefits right down.

Cheers, Alan

#8 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-10-30
Re: re: first time teaching in China

Hello lads,

I am hoping you can help me out here. I'm looking for a job teaching in China, I downloaded a book off the internet called the communicative method, and bought myself a dictionary and am trying to improve my english before I go out there. But I don't have a degree and have only just got myself a flat from the housing association like, is a degree a prerequizite and what is a TEFL, sounds like a brand of kettle to me? I also only have 19 quid to my name and don't want to go out there empty handed, is part time work possible, like even working in a bar or as a pot washer.

Thanks for these boards lads, very encouraging, and hope you can help me, the economy in england is bad now, and that mr cameron has cut my benefits right down.

Cheers, Alan

Nice attempt at trolling. Thankfully, it was the case that you was somehow actually for real, you would not be able to even afford a flight ticket here with that whole 19 pounds of yours. For the likes of you, the fruit machines at your local pub will represent a far more effective way for you to make money.

Dole Dosser - 2013-10-29
re: first time teaching in China

Hello lads,

I am hoping you can help me out here. I'm looking for a job teaching in China, I downloaded a book off the internet called the communicative method, and bought myself a dictionary and am trying to improve my english before I go out there. But I don't have a degree and have only just got myself a flat from the housing association like, is a degree a prerequizite and what is a TEFL, sounds like a brand of kettle to me? I also only have 19 quid to my name and don't want to go out there empty handed, is part time work possible, like even working in a bar or as a pot washer.

Thanks for these boards lads, very encouraging, and hope you can help me, the economy in england is bad now, and that mr cameron has cut my benefits right down.

Cheers, Alan

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