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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-11
Re: Sociopaths who try and blackmail

Wonderfully said, as foreigners we are subject to being unfairly judged as a whole here and people like him certainly do not help matters one bit.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-11-11
Re: Sociopaths who try and blackmail

What woodbine willie did earlier this year included a central theme that can be described as blackmailing. He specifically targeted me on this forum by spinning some out of control fairy tales including me taking handouts from everything including the salvation army to soup kitchens(when he was using the "mancunian" alias). Sociopaths like him are best at detecting the emotional state of a person and take advantage of it. Using a personal reference by me towards the end of last year on possibly needing to apply for government aid when it didn't actually happen and "spinning" it to the point where he was actually able to convince at least 2 regular posters on this forum that I was really doing this when I wasn't. This kind of storytelling is something that sociopaths employ to create strife, hate, and separation within groups. The dangerous thing is there are many people out in the world like this, and they possess no empathy or feel sorry about what they've done. They want to "win" in life no matter how many ethical boundaries are stepped over/on and that is the only thing that makes them feel alive. They will also use spirituality such as the Quaker preaching bullshit to show a false aura of authority. Posters like Curious became a "cult follower" of sorts after being charmed by his lavish storytelling and eccentric humor. He honestly saw himself as a real life "hero" due to his own incapacity for logical and rational thought, which in fact he blatantly lacked any.

Of course, when presented with facts about what they themselves had said earlier these types of "human beings" as they only loosely fit the description will get very angry, defensive and attack the messenger. None greater an example than by what happened when I quoted him to not speak so rashly about folks of African descent possessing body odor. With this kind of blatantly racist attitude one has to wonder how much he "loves" China or if he is really using it as a tool to further his own gains. Can it be any more obvious? People like him will make wherever he is working at hate Westerners for the lack of manners, culture, and barbaric attitudes of these kinds of laowai. This in turn will make the locals think themselves as being more right and therefore possessing better skills of judgement. It's no wonder crappy businesses like Training Centers don't change they way they operate! So you have one side who thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants and the other side of the employer who thinks they don't have to change their own unethical ways because they are already smarter than the foreigner. What happens to the majority of expats like us who then go to these kinds of places? We get treated like crap and believe that China or wherever we are working at is a shitty country and our own lack of energy and efforts due to this makes the local employer become ingrained even more deeply in their own prejudices towards the expat population. This vicious cycle of hatred and strife was basically pioneered by the first batch of western losers who went to developing countries due to not having a normal social life or having viable employment (or both) back home. This was always due to their own crappy personality.

The ultimate goal of these types of mentally deranged folks is to destroy themselves and take down as many people with them as possible. Their attitude will make you end up hating life and lose hope of moving on from your own demons. They bring out the worst in everyone, not the best. Where in the world could these folks be teachers? Nowhere!

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