Return to Index › Re: Huizhou University - where is their Department of Fyling Carpets?...LOL
#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-15
Re: Huizhou University - where is their Department of Fyling Carpets?...LOL

Yeah... If we were to relate this kind of thing to overseas politics, I'd say that you can say what you like about the recent Rob Ford scandal, but that guy appears to be smart enough to know when the squeaky clean, media friendly disguise is no longer going to cover things up. Apparently his approval ratings have even gone up!

In many industries where westerners are present all over the world, there's too much pressure to be squeaky clean at face value, yet once you get to know people better you may find that those who practice such behaviour in order to create a good impression, actually tend to be most dishonest, creepy and disgusting individuals that you could ever wish to meet! Training centre D.O.S types often represent a perfect example of this.

Maybe it could be said that in Asia, people are actually smart in the way that acknowledge the fact that the elites/middle-classes tend to get up to no good, rather than burying their head in the sand (not that they like it or even accept it!), Japanese salarymen are said to be partial to a bit of heavy drinking and a prostitute to finish things off, the same tends to go for Chinese businessmen and officials. But when western people carry on telling themselves that those in privileged positions of responsibility (even as not-so-privileged as a lowly teacher) have never abused their power and appear all shocked when a case appears... You wonder how they can actually be so silly and naive.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-11-14
Re: Huizhou University - where is their Department of Fyling Carpets?...LOL

I often find that the do-gooder conservative types are the ones with the most skeletons in the closet, who are really trying hard to hide something.

HAHA overcompensation maybe?

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-14
Re: Huizhou University - where is their Department of Fyling Carpets?...LOL

You are right, it seems tolerance is a one-way street with that guy. He wants people to be tolerant of homosexuality, but anyone with a different orientation to him is a loser. And I agree that sexual relationships between teachers and their own students is extremely unprofessional, even though it is not illegal or immoral.
What always annoys me is how some do-gooder pretend conservative laowai in China frown upon any sexual relationship between a teacher and a student. For example, a 22 year old Chinese student is an adult and she has freedom of choice, and should have a sense of responsibility. The fact of the matter is that younger women and older men often fall in love with each other, eg, 45 y/o man and twenty-something woman.

However the Huizhou poster would call these men "losers". I remember he was also very anti-prostitution, would frown upon pink room girls and their clients, so much for tolerance!

I often find that the do-gooder conservative types are the ones with the most skeletons in the closet, who are really trying hard to hide something.

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