Return to Index › Re: Huizhou University - where is their Department of Fyling Carpets?...LOL
#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-14
Re: Huizhou University - where is their Department of Fyling Carpets?...LOL

To be fair, he might just be a victim of bullying from homophobes. Not quite sure if China is the best place to live if you are gay in some respects, they may lack the fundamental Christian style of hatred towards gays (a la Ugandan 'they eat da poo-poo! youtube video' style), but there's still a bit of homophobia about that comes from the conservative types especially in the Northern areas, I feel. Homosexuality only got officially declassified as a mental disorder in the early 2000's, and I dare say that it is not popular amongst retarded old people who have an excessively strong desire to see a grandson from their children before they die.

However, my area seems to have a lot of lesbians. My local bar of choice is pretty much a de facto lesbian bar, there's even girls with rather butch skinheads and press down bras alongside the more girly girls, but hey it is still non-macho, nice and friendly female company, yet you do not feel obliged to try to attract any of them. It works out really nice when you want a quiet beer and a chat, as they are quite tolerant and open-minded people and due to the fact you have no desire to get any of them into bed you actually feel more relaxed. You can just turn up in your scruffier, more comfortable leisure clothes, you can more or less say what you want because you don't feel the need to create a good impression and say the correct things like you do with straight girls that might find attractive, you can just be yourself, warts and all.

Funnily enough, I find that when a straight girl turns up, the attitude rubs off onto them, I guess if that if they were freaked out by the lesbians, they would have already left.

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