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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-12-16
Re: Behaving Well Abroad

No, I never met him but even if I did, he is better than some who have been mayor of TO., I don't condemn him, even if he did smoke crack, he did a lot of good things for the poor and rich and something else I may add, I don't hide behind an alias,
like many who do here. They're too afraid to be found out. I'm not naming names, they know who they are.

Most people use alias as they like their privacy and have also been the victims of bad schools in China before. Some employers are vindictive bastards who will resort to illegal tactics to cause trouble for FTs, hence will stay anonymous for their own personal safety.

My alias name is even a direct reference to that. I would also encourage any new poster that has an issue to raise about a school to do the same!

Besides, it seems to be very a Chinese kind of thing to force people to use a real name on the internet, right? The government even wants to create laws to force people to register with their real name. Then there's the 500 repost rule. What they really want is for people to be scared of posting anything! Despite this, I don't really think the government gives too much of a shit about issues relating to ESL itself as unfortunately, there are far bigger issues for them to deal with, such as social inequality, local government debts, corruption, etc.

And guess what? This isn't a Chinese registered site and scumbags be they Chinese or foreign will have to face the consequence of foreign teachers looking out for one another. You aren't going to intimidate anybody on this forum, believe me.

Take a look around... On any forum that is operated in a Western country, who the hell uses their real name? Nobody, except your elderly parents who might using a computer for the first time. Sure, we might know the real names of members, but do we actually use them whilst posting? Errrmmm... No. If I register with my real name on most forums, it is open invitation for jokes. On those forums, I might openly tell them my real name on the forum, they might know it from events outside, but I sure as hell aren't posting under it, because only silly old gheyboys do that.

You might argue, that if a poster hides behind a alias, you can't tell if they are talking shit or not. Bullshit! Have you never heard a person lie to your face in real life? As an English teacher that has to mark written papers, aren't you the slightest bit capable of analysing what somebody writes? Why the hell, do you think we have so much fun catching out members of the Chinglish Corner Wu Mao club?

Robert Flintoff, I nominate you as one of the candidates to replace Woodbine Willie as our new forum pet retard.

#2 Parent Robert Flintoff - 2013-12-16
Re: Behaving Well Abroad

No, I never met him but even if I did, he is better than some who have been mayor of TO., I don't condemn him, even if he did smoke crack, he did a lot of good things for the poor and rich and something else I may add, I don't hide behind an alias,
like many who do here. They're too afraid to be found out. I'm not naming names, they know who they are.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-12-16
Re: Behaving Well Abroad

Sure, he was a communist and I don't want to emulate him for that but I do respect him for what he was, a good human being.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


I was starting to smell possible notes of Woodbine Willie on a crack binge with the 'Carrol' poster. Now we have it with Mr. Flintoff here. Does he know Rob Ford personally?
#4 Parent Robert Flintoff - 2013-12-16
Re: Behaving Well Abroad

Sure, he was a communist and I don't want to emulate him for that but I do respect him for what he was, a good human being.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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