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#1 Parent RhenoA380 - 2005-08-19
I will - Teachers discussion

Thanks, BD. I'll hang here as long as I need to. Don't worry.....I won't jump to conclusions and head for the exits too soon. If I go it'll be for good reasons.


#2 Parent BD - 2005-08-19
Congrats! - Teachers discussion

Hey, congratulations on both the engagement and the job! But be fair (especially to yourself) -- give it more than a few weeks. Good luck.

#3 Parent Rheno747 - 2005-08-18
Hey, BD - Teachers discussion

I've gotten a job in Thailand....for now. I'm taking this new job on a 'test drive' first, however. It's at a college, but that may not mean much. Before deciding to stay or go, I want to see how the students are here. If they're slack and don't give a damn about learning this stuff (like the students at my old high school were), I'll walk away and fly back to the USA in a week or two. This job pays fairly well for Thailand, and I'm already here, so I'm gonna ride this and see what happens.

I'm also engaged here. That's the reason I came back to Bangkok instead of flying on back to the USA from Korea when my Korean job fell through. Being in that situation changes everything.

#4 Parent BD - 2005-08-17
Hey Rheno... - Teachers discussion

Whats your story these days? Are you still in Thailand waiting for a job to come up somewhere else? Any leads?

#5 Parent Rheno747 - 2005-08-17
It's a good thing the 'packers are a dime a dozen - Teachers discussion

It's a good thing the backpackers are a dime a dozen. A typical hogwan will go through about a dozen in a year. Yes, this is because the backpackers don't care, sure. But it's also because of the students. Students I've taught so far, from grade school to college, are spoiled brats who couldn't care less about learning English. Who wants to teach these kinds of students? No one with a decent teaching DEGREE does, or the 'wans wouldn't have to rely on the 'packer crowd to begin with. Thank goodness for the TESOL mills (or the makers of fake certificates), in other words.

Yes, there will always be a demand for the tourist/teacher you speak of. Who else is gonna teach TESOL? Holders of Harvard masters degrees in education who want 4000-dollar-a-week jobs? Yeah, right.

If schools like Korean hogwans want better teachers, they can start by giving those teachers better students who want to learn. Much better pay would help, too.

#6 Parent BD - 2005-08-16
"Teachers" - Teachers discussion

There was a post a few weeks back where someone said, The U.S. reaps what it sows, in regard to working holidays. Yeah, just what is needed a bunch of part-time travelers who come and give half-assed educations to our children. There is a very good reason the US does not have working holiday arraignments with other countries. Its bad enough that so many Americans are part of this traveling teacher charade.

But fear not backpackers of the world! You are cheap and a dime-a-dozen. The hogwon owners love you and will NOT trade you for teacher. And I mean that it isnt going to happen.

#7 Parent jack bindshaw - 2005-08-16
power to the people - Teachers discussion

I agree with Rheno - anything we can do to reduce the number of part-timer back-packers coming into the industry should be encouraged!

These *dime-a-dozen* teachers do little but lower the level of our professional standing, reduce quality in the classroom, ensure pityful work conditions and keep wages at an absolute minimum.

Unfortunately I think the industry can only be changed from the top down - whilst postings on forums like this will put off some of the *holiday teachers* real change will only come about through lobbying the industry's larger organisations which are actually in a position to bring about change

#8 Parent Rheno747 - 2005-08-16
Nice. Thanks a bunch, Jin. - Teachers discussion

Great post. Thanks especially for the quotes. Only when we rattle the cage will it be opened for us. Unfortunately, there will always be those in the world won't lift a finger to protest--they LIKE their cages and will even bitch about the noise when others decide they've had enough.


#9 Parent jinchafa - 2005-08-16
To Rheno and in reply to "don't worry" and "put up or shut up" - Teachers discussion

Hey Rheno,
Howzitgoin'? Glad to see you're still kickin' around Asia and even more glad to read your posts. Your posts are usually informative or insightful, if not downright humorous. So, thanks for taking the time to weave the threads of your current life into the tapestry of this forum.

As for those who have nothing better to do than to attack you without offering any real constructive criticism or guidance of their own,I can only wonder why they take the time to exercise their own negativity. Also,it's interesting to note that the "love it or leave it mentality" still exists in the 21st century. Or maybe we should call that the "all is hunky-dorry mentality." Whatever; I still have to chuckle about it - even if I'm doing so out of only one side of my mouth.

Albeit, just for fun, I've been perusing the web in search of interesting, if not necessarily applicable quotes regarding advice and opinion. Enjoy.

Many receive advice, few profit by it.
Publilius Syrus (~100 BC), Maxims

In giving advice, seek to help, not please, your friend.
Solon (638 BC - 559 BC)

The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815 - 1902), 1890

I've never had a humble opinion. If you've got an opinion, why be humble about it? Joan Baez

(Last, but not least, my personal favorite:)

I have opinions of my own - strong opinions - but I don't always agree with them. George Bush

Take care Rheno. Again, it's good to know you're still alive and kicking.

#10 Parent Rheno747 - 2005-08-16
It's not a question of being able to 'handle' anything - Teachers discussion

It's not about my being able to 'handle' the unscrupulous ones in TEFL. My posts serve one purpose: to help others avoid making the same mistakes I made.

Many people come to this website seeking information, including me. Some, no doubt, aren't sure where they want to go to teach. I can't tell them where they should go, but I can damn sure tell them one place where they DON'T want to go.

Sometimes in life knowing what you don't want to do is winning half the battle. I'm here to help readers win that half. I wish I could have read my posts 16 months ago. My white face would have never appeared in Thailand, I'll tell you that much.

But my own personal situation at present is moot. Being as I'm already here, I may as well ride the Thai wave and see where it leads. I got suckered into coming here, but hopefully I, through my truthful posts, can keep others from being duped. They still have a choice, after all.

I'm sure no one is forcing you to read my posts. If you don't like what I have to say, move on.
My posts aren't meant for you anyway.

#11 Parent uncle bob - 2005-08-15
put up or shut up - Teachers discussion

I sincerely doubt there is anyone forcing you or your colleagues in Thailand to teach English

If you can't handle the liars, theives and cheats - which you will find in every country and in every profession - then why not quietly go back to wherever it was that you are running away from in the first place

If, on the other hand, you want to make the most of this wonderful opportunity to travel, see the world and experience new cultures then sit back and enjoy the ride!

#12 Parent Rheno747 - 2005-08-16
Actually, I'm havin' a good ol' time - Teachers discussion

It's fine here as long as I don't drink the tap water, eat food from slop troughs, and carry toilet paper/sanitizer with me at all times. Only when I go job hunting do I have problems with liars, thieves, and/or cheats.

It's a good thing I brought plenty of mulla from the USA.

Thanks for the post.

#13 Parent tania wantelli - 2005-08-15
its ok... dont worry - ESL discussion

Rheno - i obviously dont know you but looking thru your posts you come across as quite young and naive... and not having been abroad for long.

There are some very well documented changes/stages that a person goes through when living abroad and your posts suggest that this is what you are going thru - dont worry, its normal.

If it really is too much for you to deal with then I would sincerely suggest that you go back home.

If thats not an option then its best for you, your friends and family and of course your employers and students if you just get on with it.

Remember - you are in a different culture now and not at home - your employers and students probably think as little of you as you do of them...

#14 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2005-08-15
Opportunities for all - ESL discussion


Why do you accuse the original poster of being arrogant, because he mentioned that some Chinese students prefered to have him and his friends teaching because they were black?

He was just stating a fact through personal experience. As has been stated many times, Chinese schools and students have the right to choose whoever they want to teach them. If they prefer blacks as opposed to whites, which they do on ocassion that's up to them. The students are paying the money, and the school is a business, so they will employ whoever they think will bring in more students. Of course if they prefer whites, which they more often do that's also their right.

Many whites have previously quite correctly stated that they have been prefered and popular, because of their colour. Does that mean they were being arrogant too, or just stating a well known fact?

I have personally seen a few schools actually asking specifically for black or African teachers. Is that racism, or are the schools just exercising their rights?

When I read "Black Roses" post, I didn't see arrogance, but a guy trying to inform people that, whatever your race there are opportunities for many people to have a sucessful time working and teaching in China.

#15 Parent James - 2005-08-13
arrogant - ESL discussion

Don't be arrogant. You ability as a teacher has nothing to do with your race. Don't get your ethnic background mixed up with teaching ability. You sound a little too proud....in a very arrogant sense. Let me bring you back to reality, there are many great teachers with many students who enjoy their English lessons. There will always be other teachers in the world with move talent and better teaching skills than you. So don't be too proud Mister.

Racism exist in all the world. Even in the USA, so the African Americans have not conquered racism and they never will unless the government becomes socialist like Cuba's.
Racism exist also for "white" people. Do you think it is easy for a white Anglo-Saxon person to be an ESL teacher in Pakistan, Egypt, or Saudi Arabia...? Guess what, it is also difficult. We face alot of racism too, not just "blacks" but also "whites". I guess every country and culture has it's preference of foreigners they like to cooperate with.

#16 Parent Rheno747 - 2005-08-12
Good info you can actually use is beautiful - ESL discussion

Some of what you read here may seem to be negative, but I certainly wouldn't call myself or my colleagues in Thailand miserable. Aggravated, yes.
Naive? Yeap, at least when we were green.

I'm thankful for the negative posts. I personally have used 'negative' info from this site to my advantage on several occasions. That's because, although too negative for guys like you, that info has described the TRUTH--in other words, how things really are here on Earth, not in some fantasy world I don't live in.

Keep those 'negative' posts coming. I'll take those any day over syrupy, feel-good posts that don't help me navigate the minefields of liars, thieves, and cheats one iota.

#17 Parent Peter - 2005-08-11
Black roses are truely beautiful - ESL discussion

Thank you for your positive words and powerful message

This forum is often so full of miserable and dissatisfied peoples' negativity - your words are a refreshing inspiration

Power to you and may you continue to spread your word - I can see why you are so popular with your students

#18 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2005-08-11
The letter I would have liked to have written - ESL discussion

"Black roses..",

That was a superb post, and it sounds like you've had a great experience in China.

>When people aren't around a specific people or culture they can form their own opinions about them. But when they come to know you, they come to love >you.

That's so true, especially in my experience as a black teacher in China. That's the point I was trying to make in a previous post.

"Black roses...", thanks for sharing your experiences.
You are a great inspiration for myself, black people and any persons who may be discouraged by discrimination,whatever their background.

Your experience proves that life is what we make it.
Power to you. I wish you all the best in the future.

#19 Parent Black roses are beautiful - 2005-08-10
Black, loved and happy - ESL discussion

Shall we blacks avoid China because of racism? Have we not faced it and overcome it in America? Have we not faced it and overcome it in Europe? Through out the world blacks are settling more and more and calling many different countries their home. As I, a black American, have traveled as and ESL teacher, throughout North Africa, the Middle East and now Asia, I've seen that blacks, especially Africans have traveled and settled in every country that I've visited.

When people aren't around a specific people or culture they can form their own opinions about them. But when they come to know you, they come to love you. At least, that's what I've found in every country that I've traveled to. Why should we as black people run from racism? How will it ever end if we hide ourselves in places where we feel safe. It was the bold blacks of American history who desegregated schools, restaurants, buses and every other public place. They faced racism and overcame it. Now we are accepted and respected.

Why not travel the world and do the same? Once people get to know me, they say their whole idea of black people and Americans in general has been changed. It takes bold people to make a difference. I have had the privilege of being loved and accepted by all my employers and Students alike. I invite them into my life, my culture, my history and my family. I share with them and welcome them. As a result many of my employers have hired other black friends of mine from America as well as Africa. They are happy with them. Their mindsets are changed. Even the students love and prefer them.

I've had students request me as a teacher and say they won't come to the school unless they can have me. When my classes are too full, they simply pulled out and waited till the next semester so they could have me or begged me to give them private lessons in my free time.

So shall we run from one nation or another because we hear that the people there are racist. No, we must face racism and overcome it with love and honor. Let people see who us black people really are. We are People, just like every other people.

Face racism and overcome it. There are plenty of schools through out China and the rest of the world who would love to hire a black person who is honorable, respected and hardworking. We can bring good business to their schools as I've brought good business to my former employers. We can change their mindsets and attitudes. We can make a difference if we face the challenges instead of hiding and running away. I'm glad the famous Black Americans of history didn't hide but they faced racism and overcame it to make life better for us today.

#20 Parent Sajid - 2005-03-15
Yo Mike

Dear Mike.

Thanks for your feedback man, you have really given a clear picture of ground zero.

Well. I was planning to join as a Management Teacher.............got offer from Qunzhaou Normal University. But was reluctant for many reasons. And after reading your article......I should say, I played safe.

But still would like to join some institution who is looking for serious Buisness, Management and HR Teaching.


#21 Parent Sajid - 2005-03-15
Yo Mike

Dear Mike.

Thanks for your feedback man, you have really given a clear picture of ground zero.

Well. I was planning to join as a Management Teacher.............got offer from Qunzhaou Normal University. But was reluctant for many reasons. And after reading your article......I should say, I played safe.

But still would like to join some institution who is looking for serious Buisness, Management and HR Teaching.


#22 Parent Chinese Employer - 2005-03-05
Yes Yes

I am sorry but there are NO equal
> oprotunity jobs in China. The Chinese people own their business 100%
> and do not have to answer to the law when it comes to who they will
> hire.

You are correct. In China we own business 100%. My uncle is a principal in Chinese university. He employing anyone he like. Wives, brothers, sisters, relatives and everyones from families working all is getting very high positions. The university canteen belonging to my other uncle. Internet bar in university belonging to my uncle number 2 wife. Supermarket belonging to my father. Uncle number 1 wife is Dean of Chinese Department. I head of english . Many many more if I saying. But all is true.

In our university my uncle no employing other foreigner teachers only white mans and girls. We ask students paying more fees because we have white mans and girls teaching english.

We Chinese own business 100% like my uncle and our families. we own everything in university.

Mike - 2005-03-05
Racism in China

I sat here this evening reading these boards and a few others I was simply amazed at how many "teachers" we have here that (based on writing skills, demeaner, and attitude) that you got any type of job at all let alone a teaching job.
In this post I am going to be up front and quite blunt for these are the facts about most (NOT all) schools, companies, and agencies in China that hire people.
First off the Chinese people are attempting to show, grow, and live as westerners and America being the most followed with Movies and such it is basically the American way they are trying to live. With that in mind the remainder of this will shed some light for you.
Western countries have looked down on races other than white for thousands of years (America being just under 300).
The Chinese employers are in the business to make money and they feel a "white" teacher will earn them more in ways of advertising, students, and such.
Dont get me wrong I have seen many colored teachers get good jobs as well as tv shots here in China so it is by far from being all over China.
If Americans, and English look down on the color of skin then the Chinese will follow to be more westernized.
Some of the posts on here were outright racism in themselves.
Lets look at history:
White man kills off all the Indians, grabs Africans to do their work (this is why most "white" people are lazy. then crys about it when there are too many to control.
But this goes to the colored man too, you cannot spend your life complaining about what some people did 300 years ago GET OVER IT.
I have absolutly nothing against black, red, yellow, or white but by god its gone too far when a boss cannot hire the one he wants in fear of a color man crying out "racism" they dont have that issue in China and its because of that, that the Chinese boss will always hire who he believes will bring in the most profit.
Its NOT racism in China, its business and its money.
Has nothing to do with accents, passports, or anything it IS color.
Proof to that is there are French teachers teaching English because they are WHITE. its not racism its business (at least the Chinese people dont see it as racism)
Now to get to the other part of why:
A black person no matter were they are from is black and in the eyes of the Chinese is african, filipinos, are philipino, indians are indian. your money is worth less than the Chinese RMB and THAT is why they look down on you.
It money, its business.
I know you (the colored people of the world) had hoped to leave your lands and come to China to get away from all that garbage but the fact isthe Chinese are the most prejudice people in the world (even against themselves) but it is not racism to them its business.
I saw in one post a person was talking about it being a crime for this and that about color of skin, I am sorry but there are NO equal oprotunity jobs in China. The Chinese people own their business 100% and do not have to answer to the law when it comes to who they will hire.
A good note for you though is this:
Large cities are more westernized and are accepting color more than before. Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen dont care about color but dont expect to get all the benifits from central China (flat, high pay vs cost of living, and other commodoties)
I am not racist (I have hired several to work based on qualifications not skin color)
But for the most part schools and companies in China prefer white as it is.
Besides NO foreign teacher in China is a real teacher WE ARE ALL DANCING BEARS who intertain the children of the rich families who can afford us.
(This was not ment to offend anyone just my eyes seeing it as it is being a recruiter in China for schools and knowing whatthey want) the why is my opinion and expressed as such MY OPINION, this is not directed at anyone of any single color, ethnic group, or person.
Thank you

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