Return to Index › Re: On corruption in Mainland China Universities
#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-12-29
Re: On corruption in Mainland China Universities

Progressive legislation? WTF! That is the ultimate case of government interference! The state intruding on what happens at someone's wedding? Let's hope nothing like that EVER happens in a Western country! Big Brother running rampant!

Yeah just imagine what the wedding regulations would be like in the U.K, if we had a similar level of interference? Probably something like this:

1.) The DJ must play "Come on Eileen" by Dexy's Midnight Runners, at least 5 times at the evening party. Same for 'Wham! - Wake me up before you go go'. Failure to comply will result in a £5000 fine.

2.) Only the following toppings can be used on the open sandwiches: 1.) Ham 2.) Cheese (and onion) 3.) Chicken and stuffing. Unauthorised non-revolutionary toppings will be destroyed at the host's expense.

3.) The sausage rolls must be between a minimum of 2.5 cm and maximum of 4 cm long. Failure to comply with official regulations, shall result in the person who baked them (probably your mum) getting publicly bitchslapped.

4.) The trifle must contain X amount of sherry.

5.) Guests must spill at least a small amount of beer on the dancefloor, to allow the kids to run up and slide on their knees, thus ruining the expensive pairs of smart trousers that their parents only just bought for them.

6.) Grandmas are permitted to smuggle in at least half a bottle of whisky, which they are permitted sneakily top up under the table, in the corner seating at the back of the hall.

7.) All uncles must dance like a dickhead.

8.) Children must under no circumstances be given real shandy, only that shitty 'Shandy Bass' that comes in cans. However, giving your 12 year old daughter may be given a brightly coloured alcopop to make her feel all grown up in the worst possible way; is perfectly acceptable.

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