Return to Index › Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-12-31
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i

I am pretty sure these types of men were virgins before finally getting that first ambitious visa wanting cn girlfriend. But you know...it only took a minute at the most if you know what I mean.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2013-12-31
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i

It is funny how the pathetic ones will boast about Chinese girlfriends, like it is symbol of success.

For those, who never had one to begin with, well........

#3 Parent Dumper McFoodle - 2013-12-30
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i

It is funny how the pathetic ones will boast about Chinese girlfriends, like it is symbol of success. Personally, I have dated or slept with women from many different countries, various parts of China, Russia, Mongolia, Japan etc. Yet, I do not consider my love life to be that successful as I have still not found the one that I consider to be worth marrying yet. Had some cracking shags, but finding a good life partner is not just about such basic needs.

Crikey, mate, deep respect; you must be worn out. It's really great of you to take the odd minute away from your busy schedule to entertain us. The last sentence was heart-rendering though; proves you're a sentimental old softy really.

#4 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-12-30
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i

It is funny how the pathetic ones will boast about Chinese girlfriends, like it is symbol of success. Personally, I have dated or slept with women from many different countries, various parts of China, Russia, Mongolia, Japan etc. Yet, I do not consider my love life to be that successful as I have still not found the one that I consider to be worth marrying yet. Had some cracking shags, but finding a good life partner is not just about such basic needs.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2013-12-30
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i

The thing is, it's one thing to discuss the pitfalls and possible cultural misunderstandings that can happen if you date a woman from a foreign country. But it is completely another issue if you base your whole quality of existence on whether or not you have dated a woman from some exotic, far away culture. If that is your litmus test of sorts, then you're nothing but some girly-man who wants to believe he's wearing the shawl of a wolf when he is merely just a sheep.

If someone wants to give me crap about having little or no experience dating a chinese woman, I have more than enough comebacks and insults to give to him. But this is an ESL forum. I will refrain from sounding too anti-chinese. Let's see if the wumaos will back off.

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2013-12-30
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i

I wonder why you're so interested in my personal life. You do not have one, that is obvious.

#7 Parent New Jersey - 2013-12-30
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i

Well young fella me lad, you will notice with your reading skills, he has chosen not to answer.

I bet he never had a girlfriend, hence his diversion eh?

Happy new year irish!

#8 Parent Dragonized - 2013-12-29
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i

Wanna be jersey shore dude who has never been anywhere...trolling in the winter wonderland.

#9 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-12-29
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i

It seems China has scarred you for life, better that you never return there again.

I'll wager you never had a chinese girlfriend either?!!

Just about everybody has had a Chinese girlfriend at some point, they aren't some exotic and special species, lol. In fact 99% of the women here are Chinese, you haven't even got a choice about it most of the time.

Typical wumao tactic... Trying to belittle a person's understanding or status, trying to cause a loss of face, in order to try to destroy the level of respect that the particular poster in afforded on the forum, in order to boost your own standing. Well, when it comes to Sino-Western cultural comparisons, you are going to struggle to test Dragonized, that's all that I will say.

#10 Parent New Jersey - 2013-12-29
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i

It seems China has scarred you for life, better that you never return there again.

I'll wager you never had a chinese girlfriend either?!!

#11 Parent Dragonized - 2013-12-29
Re: "China Must Purge Mao's Ghost" Article by Gao Wenqian, a senior policy adviser at Human Rights i

In China, the trouble is that their environment even blames these victims for bringing "shame" to all of them by having this to happen a victim is totally innocent of. No love, empathy, help, and in even in many cases no justice for these victims - what a sick way to deal with those victims of crime concerned!

Hence the reason for the existence of the definition that fits between primitive and civilized when it comes to labeling societies. This term is "barbaric".

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