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#1 Parent Lloyd Bracegirdle - 2015-09-08
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info?

I have read the sad comments which have been posted over the last few years about TYCIS - obviously ill-informed and out-dated!

I have been teaching Mathematics (IGCSE, AS, A2 and Further Maths) at the school for the past month having taught in Beijing for four years. The new principal, John Evans, has done an incredible job in a short time to implement systems and protocols to ensure the smooth running of the Cambridge programme.

The students are incredibly intelligent (results on par with Eton), very courteous; they are positive about the school as are all the staff. My expectation is that my students will achieve only A and A* grades in their final exams this year. :)

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-05
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info?

Jane, the Chinese woman in their department who is Mr. Lin's lap dog spies on teachers and she also hates foreigners but has a fake smile. She frequently attempts to derail the foreigners that work there with rumors, gossip, etc.

Mr. Lin recently ordered mass surveillance on the foreigners in that department to include separate passwords and user ID names to monitor all of their Internet traffic.

If you need to post desperately without getting monitored by them, get a M-Zone sim card with a good data plan, use your phone (if it is an android phone) to tether the gprs connection and use your tablet or laptop to post, or just post from your phone. You can also use the free wifi at a lot of restaurants and cafes too.

#3 Parent John O’Shei - 2014-01-03
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info?

What I do tend to find is that any school in China with a name that includes words like Oxford or Cambridge etc, is most definitely not official. There’s the exception of a few legitimate officially licensed international schools like Harrow in Beijing, but you would probably have to be a really shit hot teacher to get employed there.

Let me put it this way... They will never advertise a vacancy on this website or Dave’s ESL etc. And they will give you a Z-Visa, lol.

#4 Parent Winger - 2014-01-03
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info?

I can confirm these few postings. The program is screwed and the few teachers in that department are finding work elsewhere and it is unlikely that the IGCSE program will survive. There are 32 students there so less than 40 as was posted earlier and the Chinese principal is in fact a racist bastard that has no business in, on, or around kids or education. He is arrogant, rude, morally bankrupt, the school is financially in ruins for reasons unknown, and they are lying to most or all of their FT's that work up on that floor. The comments made about Jane, an older Chinese office manager are dead on accurate. The foreign principal up there is not Russian he is Armenian but has a New Zealand or Australian passport. Out of some 32 students he cannot name 10 of them and he does actually sit in his office literally all day long doing nothing other than watching XXX rated films. So much for Cambridge and their high-quality with all of that taking place upon the 6th floor. The Canadian program is not without issues here as well since we are dealing with corrupt Chinese. The other writer on his was correct. Do not work at Tianjin Yinghua International School and avoid the IGCSE program as it is not long for this world. They are out of money, their teachers are quitting, no one was given new contracts that were promised long ago, and they cannot even get visas sorted out.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2014-01-03
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info?

Another crap school with obnoxious and racist staff, and who screw up an FT's visa status.

They should be shut down and that Mr Lin executed/or imprisoned for life.

#6 Parent Canadian Downstairs - 2014-01-02
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info?

Dear Krayla,

I work in the Canadian program downstairs at this school.
The IGCSE program is located on the 6th floor and it is a nightmare, up there.
These are some of the current highlights so far.

Mr. Lin the Chinese national in charge of that program overall is a typical Chinese wannabe leader. He hates foreigners. He hates western education and what is odd about that is, he sent his wife and child to Canada to study for a better education. He is a liar and he cheats on his wife with a routine and regular line of whores. This is well-known at the school.

Mr. Lin refused to pay the IGCSE licensing fees and that, with interest, late fees, etc., cost the school over $7,000.00 USD recently.

Recently, they have an American upstairs named Jake or Jacob and Portia, the woman from HR refused to obtain his residence permit after he arrived on a valid Z visa. She never took the necessary measures to obtain his residence permit and he is over time and illegal by several weeks and the teacher is now needing a residence permit with fines so far amounting to nearly 8,000 RMB. Mr. Lin and Portia both do not care and the American teacher is now facing big troubles. As of yesterday that problem was still not corrected.

Jane, the Chinese woman in their department who is Mr. Lin's lap dog spies on teachers and she also hates foreigners but has a fake smile. She frequently attempts to derail the foreigners that work there with rumors, gossip, etc.

Mr. Lin recently ordered mass surveillance on the foreigners in that department to include separate passwords and user ID names to monitor all of their Internet traffic.

The school principal they have up there is a Russian or at least he looks Russian. He does not teach, or work, and he watches adult films in his office all day long.

Mr. Lin tried to make teachers work on Christmas Day and also on New Year's Day but there was some level of revolt on that so he backed down.

They have less than 40 students up there and the program is operating in the red and it will likely fail as Mr. Lin and his cronies have a reputation of destroying programs. For example his people destroyed an A-Level program in Guangzhou and one of those operators is facing 3-years in a Chinese prison but I don't know the details on that.

The teachers on the 6th floor earn over 15,000 RMB per month and the new teachers that Mr. Lin hired for the English program on the 1st floor earn 8,000 RMB.

The information around the school campus is that the IGCSE program is failing and it may totally fly apart soon.

Chinese parents do not trust the IGCSE program, they doubt anything that Mr. Lin or his lap dog Jane have to say and the teacher reports that the school principal makes the teachers write each month are sanitized so that the parents don't know what is really going on at the school.

If there any any IGCSE personnel reading this letter, check your payment history for that school account and you will know that this entire post is true. There are several extremely serious problems up there and it is obvious to all of us here in the Canadian program.

I hope that this posting is useful for you and whatever you do, do not consider a job at the IGCSE program as you may get hired and end up without a lawful residence permit.

Best of luck to you and Happy Near Year to all!

Kralya - 2014-01-02
Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info?

I heard that the Tianjin Yinghua International School might be doing some hiring and they apparently run an IGCSE program there that I am interested in. Does anyone know any information about the Tianjin Yinghua International School?

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