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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-10
Re: What do you want to know, exactly?

I have to be honest with you, San Migs. You can be a nice guy, I know that for sure because we have met each other in person before. However, you are still human and your own personality may not always make you look as if you want to actually believe in anything. I do not see any point in your continued excursion with these messages you type up. One day, you could be swinging your opinions to one extreme with saying how Chinese owners of training centers should be executed, which is rather against modern fundamental western values on many levels. Another day, you will show how much you do not believe western culture is any better than eastern cultures, but you don't have any points that are good enough to convince me or other posters to believe that what you are saying actually carried more value than what I or another poster thinks. You just want to nitpick on something you have not given much thought into in order to pass away the time. I'm all for exploring and having intellectual discussions, but your ideas ring rather hollow of someone seeking knowledge and more of an individual who has lost his way and does not know what he stands for anymore.

I think you should realize that due to what had happened last year with woodbine willie, you have lost the trust of some posters on this forum. You seem to assume that some of the actions and behaviors you carried out were not noticed by me and that I still see you in the same way that I did when I invited you over to solidify our friendship. Things do not stay in secret forever, and your own naivety (or lack thereof) makes me wonder if I really made one of the more worse judgement mistakes in terms of making friends that I have done in recent years. You certainly did not put as much effort, as your own problems keep on getting in the way it seems.

I want to tell you about a behavior that snitches like woodbine willie always employ to create strife and division. Snitches will always look for the most vulnerable, naive, and eager to please another person type of individual carrying a weak internal locus of control in a group that he/she is trying to break up. This is called "cutting someone off from the herd" so to speak. He tried doing this to me, but he failed miserably. Said wannabe agent provocateur looked elsewhere. Somehow, despite having not talent in life he managed to secure some personal information on me regarding my background, and maybe even more. Some of the more recent posts that he may have put up shows he indeed got some personal info that could have only come from someone whom I personally saw and met face to face. I simply do not give out so much personal stuff on a discussion forum, no matter how long I have been posting.

You, while to your credit being consistent to what you believe in do not show as much that you care about others on a larger capacity. You only show sympathy if you have been through a similar bad experience yourself. However, you rarely put in too much effort to expand on these experiences (at least that is what it seems on this forum) to think about things more deeply on a societal level. Most importantly, my point being is that you really have no incentive to give your loyalty to any side on this forum, and you seem to enjoy the freedom of this more than actually standing up for something out of principle. On the other hand, you may very well be from the exact same part of England that Woodbine Willie is from. You both may also both share some of the same values in life, maybe even many. From some of the emails that Turnoi forwarded to me as well as the emails I received from this person myself I would have to say that he could only have gotten this information through building trust with a regular poster by maintaining contact with them regularly over a period of time. I hate to say this, after seeing how we both agreed on so many things in the past. But someone has been doing some lying, and I do not care for this, especially if it involves my real identity getting exposed! Your posts regarding your blatant support for his life as supposedly "married" on this forum shows that much.

You think that saying things like, "don't worry about it", etc. can actually make others really not think back on some topics. In this case, you are the only one it seems who isn't aware that you've been under the spotlight for some time now. People don't just forget about things, and your own lack of trust and wild guessing on the personal lives of others even after you've met them in person makes your own world sound hollow. I do not at this time want to engage in the discussions on culture and whatnot with you as you are not serious about what you say regarding these intellectual topics.

I think the best move for you right now, is to clear the air a little bit by telling me what you have done recently. You can send me a personal email if you do not want to talk about this on the forum. I want to tell you that if you did do some things, they may not always be intentional mistakes. We have all erred on these kinds of things. But to cover things up and pretend like it never happened is a bit asinine. Being marginalized and not taken seriously by your peers is a worse punishment in some cases than outright humiliation. On the other hand, if you are honest about things then you may only get more respect. It is not that hard to own up about telling more than you should, but you have to actually do it first.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-10
Re: How certain people behave when going to church

There are evil people everywhere, in every country and culture. It is the quantity that needs to be taken into account in this matter. Who is doing more vice in the present time?

#3 Parent San Migs - 2014-01-10
Re: How certain people behave when going to church

Well, I suppose the west has despotic traits too....the Roman Empire?

Look at britain's own conquest of a good part of the world, people in HK used to be under curfews and could be shot. The Governor (always british!!), was never elected or chosen by the people he represented. He merely stood for the crown.

After 150 years of brit tyrannical rule, and 16 years of rule from the mainland, is it any wonder they want universal suffrage?

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-09
Re: How certain people behave when going to church

Both the far east as well as the middle east share similar despotic traits in behavior. This type of behavior gets in the way of them ever making their own cultures great. What Turnoi talked about with regards to cultural clusters and how they remain consistent is seen here. I had exactly both areas in mind when I used the word "orient".

#5 Parent San Migs - 2014-01-09
Re: How certain people behave when going to church

Sadly, American and british doctrine does not seem to be working either, with regards to the middle east.

Build a road, they blow it up, and we start rebuilding again.

Build a school, they blow it up, and we start,right, again.

Meanwhile in the UK we need new infrastructure, and not our old creaking infrastructure, yet we spend millions and billions trying to convince them that beer and blue jeans and dance music is all harmless......they don't want democracy or pluralism, can't accept it, and will only settle for autocrat leaders like assad, or islamic extremist leaders...leave them all to it, we should never have got involved in the first place. I'll say this for China, they knew well enough to keep out, because now it is a real mess and a powderkeg....

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-09
Re: How certain people behave when going to church

I remember about 18 years ago there was a lot of rubbish about "Asian values" being bandied about in the Western media. There was a strange mindset at the time among some, that Asian people were morally superior to Western people. Anyone who has lived in an Asian country knows that is absolute BS!

If everyone followed the despotic culture natures of the Orient, we'd all have killed each other off by now.

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