Return to Index › Green oasis school yet again
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-10
Re: Green oasis school yet again / Government rules about employing 'same sex ' married couples?

The ignorance of many in the country where you work is perpetuated by the current powers that be. They want to enable the backwards, bad side of things as a form of blackmail. You will only see more of it, and more degenerate behavior in the future. This is, after all a country where over 100 million people with mental disorders are not getting any medical assistance.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-10
Re: Green oasis school yet again / Government rules about employing 'same sex ' married couples?

School still employing dodgy teachers. 'Science teacher' who can only teach IT and no formal teacher quals.
Principle bringing a 'good friends son 'to do his teacher training, only to find that the guy followed middle school students home, took a 13 year old to a bar until 10 pm and hung out with the 'students' in the quad. And took a lot of convincing to get rid of him before the poo hit the fan lol
Breaking the Government rules about employing 'same sex ' married couples in the school. Watch out in the PE dept. teachers are worried about their reputations at the school. Mr Toad running down the head of middle school to all the new teachers in his introduction meeting...Would you want to work in this school?
I believe Tournei has been right all along about this place.
Still trying to be better than J at SCIE

Took a 13 year old to a bar? Well, at least most of the nearby public will have witnessed that, he won't be too safe from one of my old fictional animated friends, I guess.


As for government rules about employing same-sex couples (Gay marriage is actually not yet legal in China, so we shall delete the word 'married'), please could somebody enlighten me?

I've never heard of this one. Although I would normally never encourage breaking the law in China, that one I can make an exception to. I sincerely wish that a high profile university would be brave enough to publicly reject that law, like the first U.S universities to admit black students.

Mind you, some parts of China are 30 years behind the time when it comes to gay rights. Such stupid farmers that actually believe that crap, really need to be exterminated en masse. Especially, when you consider that their backwards beliefs in terms of continuing the family name and preferring sons has lead to the gender imbalances that mean that several men out there will simply never find a wife, even if they actually want one!
Gotcha - 2014-01-10
Green oasis school yet again

School still employing dodgy teachers. 'Science teacher' who can only teach IT and no formal teacher quals.
Principle bringing a 'good friends son 'to do his teacher training, only to find that the guy followed middle school students home, took a 13 year old to a bar until 10 pm and hung out with the 'students' in the quad. And took a lot of convincing to get rid of him before the poo hit the fan lol
Breaking the Government rules about employing 'same sex ' married couples in the school. Watch out in the PE dept. teachers are worried about their reputations at the school. Mr Toad running down the head of middle school to all the new teachers in his introduction meeting...Would you want to work in this school?
I believe Tournei has been right all along about this place.
Still trying to be better than J at SCIE

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