Return to Index › Fingerprint Request Beside the Signature for a Teaching Contract in China
#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-11
Re: Fingerprint Request Beside the Signature for a Teaching Contract in China

You don't need to have anything to hide in order to have everything to protect.

Very nicely put. I wish that you guys would come on this board more often.

#2 Parent BEIJING BLACKLIST - 2014-01-11
Re: Fingerprint Request Beside the Signature for a Teaching Contract in China

The only place you leave your finger prints in China is at the scene of the crime assuming you are not wearing gloves.
Some banks require it.
Some hospitals require it when signing medical documents.
A school? No.
Some schools in China also try and use biometric readers for attendance. No.

Its likely some bullshit in-house thing with how they do business but you don't leave finger prints anywhere.

It would not be unheard of to have a print lifted and placed somewhere should the need arise.

You are in China.

Don't be stupid.

You don't need to have anything to hide in order to have everything to protect.

Message - 2014-01-11
Fingerprint Request Beside the Signature for a Teaching Contract in China

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Thank you for your time and precious advice!

I have been offered an English Teaching Job in china by a college which is part of 'Delter', and I was asked to leave my fingerprint beside my signature. While signature seems fine to me, I'm not sure about the fingerprint. So I told them to wait. I am already in china and I met them in person. I am just afraid of leaving my fingerprint in China. Do you think this a normal thing? Should I continue the procedure?

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