Return to Index › Be Grateful to CHINA - Xiexie ni de kuan dai!
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-12
Re: Trolls abound

Yes, and by your logic not all British are intelligent, well read, and easy to get along with. I could take the "Willyless" style of argument and attack the character of the person I am speaking to (in this case you) by talking about how some even manage to get themselves homeless halfway around the globe. But talking like that certainly cannot make you feel as if I am being diplomatic, can it?

Have you ever heard of FIOS? Fiber Optic Cable Internet? This is common in the USA. I have used this, and it is very fast. Also, if a corrupt Chinese government official who constantly tears down perfectly good infrastructure built within the last 5 years in his administering district and builds bigger, higher, and more empty buildings full of these fast internet connections that nobody can freaking afford, then what would the goddamn point of wasting chinese taxpayer money be in the first place?! It only makes the political record look good for said official as "improving industrial potential outlook" on his resume. You want to tell me that it is okay for these people to behave like this just because nobody can tell them that they cannot do this due to the despotic system of law?

You cannot just go around doing whatever the hell you like with the land in the USA without getting permission from town level administration that has heavy citizen involvement in a variety of activist groups. Things need to be rebuilt, and I am willing to pay taxpayer money for this. But don't for even one instant think that this somehow makes a developing country with a large simmering pot of societal problems ready to burst be equal to a developed country that is operated consistently on rule by law.

Also, this has nothing to do with race or feeling inherently superior due to having a different gene set. Chinese Americans and Chinese Canadians en mass feel the same way. Have a good weekend.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-12
Re: Be Grateful to CHINA - Xiexie ni de kuan dai!

I do not see why you have to attack the John O'Shei poster. You really want to be Woodbine Willie Jr. that badly? If you are doing this to procure some type of personal favor from this disgusting individual then [edited]

#3 Parent San Migs - 2014-01-12
Re: Trolls abound

The internet sadly in america does not seem too good either from what I am reading, 15mbps satellite internet for rural areas, south korea and sweden and macau are far ahead, even the UK sadly.

Some even still use dial up in the usa. The GFW is the problem, not the internet itself.

#4 Parent Buster Keaton - 2014-01-12
Re: xie xie

King Kong with Lady Sunshine and the Holy Virgin next to them.

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-12
Re: Be Grateful to CHINA - Xiexie ni de kuan dai!

f**king peace corps fake volunteer spy/nonce

In China, they have an infectious disease: They are commies, and the ruling party does not like them.

The ruling part is communist, you bellend.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2014-01-12
Re: Be Grateful to CHINA - Xiexie ni de kuan dai!

Nonce is prison talk? Ever been inside, just curious on?

Also I don't see why you have to insult volunteers of any persuasion?

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-12
Re: Trolls abound

I hear ya bro! When I worked in that country I always took the opportunity to catch up on the various TV shows and movies that the west had put out. Unfortunately the crappy internet meant bad streaming and therefore longer waits to watch them on sites like Hulu. I would agonize a whole night just to get what I wanted to watch, then crash the next day.

#8 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-12
Re: Be Grateful to CHINA - NOT

Working for chicken scratch and dealing with the hateful, selfish, and childishly uncompassionate local population while your soul dies a slow and painful death and you're helpless to do anything about it.

There is nothing better for you to do but to try and break the spirits of people who stand up to the exploitation that you enable. Your ilk erodes civilized societies and increase the barbarism in barbaric ones. May you leave this world soon!

#10 Parent Banana Joe - 2014-01-12
Re: Be Grateful to CHINA - Xiexie ni de kuan dai!

f**king peace corps fake volunteer spy/nonce
In China, they have an infectious disease: They are commies, and the ruling party does not like them.
#11 Parent Banana Joe - 2014-01-12
Re: Be Grateful to CHINA - Xiexie ni de kuan dai!

First of all, be "grateful" for all the cheat, deception, exploitation and mistreatment of foreign teachers there, and then kick their dirty arses. That's the way to go.

#12 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-11
Re: Trolls abound

I actually meant to come across sarcastic, but wrote it down in the most horrific way. Blame the bloody winter vacations and the ways that they invite you to stay until 6 a.m and sleep in the rest of the day, lol.

#13 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-11
Re: Trolls abound

John, I think you're overthinking this one. These people are trolls, period. They just want to gauge a response because they got owned while posting under other pseudonyms.

Logically, if one side believes that criticizing both china and the west is okay(that's us haha). But the other side cannot tolerate criticism of any culture deemed non-western, which side would be more tolerant? Throwing compost on disagreements and dissatisfaction makes these folks look even less credible. By talking, they are helping our side of the argument.

#14 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-11
Re: Be Grateful to CHINA - Xiexie ni de kuan dai!

and a salary.

Well, how did you know that I am employed by a state-owned public university?

I think that they are supposed to be paying me a salary, I'm not a f**king peace corps fake volunteer spy/nonce. The only person I say thank you for my salary is the F.A.O, when counts out those bank notes and places them in my hand correctly, like she is supposed to.

#15 Parent vic - 2014-01-11
Re: Be Grateful to CHINA - Xiexie ni de kuan dai!

and a salary.

#16 Parent John - 2014-01-11
xie xie

xie xie

post - 2014-01-11
Be Grateful to CHINA - Xiexie ni de kuan dai!

For giving you a refuge.

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