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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-15
Re: Islam in China?

May the Sexist, Racist, and Degenerate idiots like the shifter be gobbled up by crocs, sooner than later...hahaha!

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-15
Re: Idiots still in China?

Your posts show you are someone who possibly has a huge inferiority complex, and you do not think things through. From my past posts, you would have seen that I believe confucianism to be a sham belief and is heretical. You are telling me you drew your conclusions about me based on my pseudonym alone. Well, Shifter if you really are a Westerner you should know that We also have Dragons in our own culture, albeit different ones. You could be speaking to someone who is an avid Dungeons and Dragons player. Someone who is from a European heritage that uses the symbol of a Dragon on their emblem could also be a possibility. College and high school sports teams use Dragons, too. Being an American, you don't seem to know these things very well. Your silly labeling also suggests someone who doesn't go out much, either. You can believe whatever religion you like, but at the end of the day you don't go around throwing crap like what you wrote. You show you don't care about others, so why should I care about you?

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-15
Re: Idiots still in China?

Well...umm I do believe the various sex shops selling bootleg D**d*s should do the trick for this bloke...lol!

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-15
Re: Idiots still in China?

A "Willyless Wanking Pedophile" like you who likes taking advantage of young girls do exist, however and you use these names to practice being a Godless Heathen.

How does one successfully perform a wank without a willy exactly?

#5 Parent The Shifter - 2014-01-15
Re: Idiots still in China?

I am American

What you want? A medal?

I do not believe in confucianism.

Your chosen posting name is very chinese though, anyway. Will you confirm or deny you are secular, now that we have put the confucian issue to bed?

A "Willyless Wanking Pedophile" like you who likes taking advantage of young girls do exist, however and you use these names to practice being a Godless Heathen.

Where have I supported sex with young girls?!?!

#6 Parent The Pretend Shifter - 2014-01-14
Re: Islam in China?

May the Baijiu be with you forever!

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-14
Re: Idiots still in China?

A "Confucian secular american" is something that doesn't exist. To use Confucian the way you did pretty much shows what an idiot you are. I am American, I do not believe in confucianism. A "Willyless Wanking Pedophile" like you who likes taking advantage of young girls do exist, however and you use these names to practice being a Godless Heathen.

Of course, you have other agendas. You take advantage of what things like islam and confucianism gives you due to the massive amounts of pedophiles, racists, sexists, drunks, and drug addicts that hide behind these names in their societies. You got tired of what the "confucianists" gave you, so now you're thinking about going to "islam". Wherever you go, you'll always be a lowlife with no future. You just can't bear to face that fact.

#8 Parent The Shifter - 2014-01-13
Re: Islam in China?

It is in HK, in Kowloon.

Allah is with you!!!!!

#9 Parent The Shifter - 2014-01-13
Re: Islam in China?

As for this Mosque, it is located on Nathan Road in HK and is frequented by Middle Eastern as well as Southeastern Asians who are of Islamic Faith

Correct. And Islam will eventually become the number 1 religion in the USA too....and not much you can do about that as a confucian secular american.

#10 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-13
Re: Islam in China?

While looking around before the chinese new year I photographed this old and very middle eastern looking mosque in Hong Kong.

There is a real message for us all there, although as an ex-christian, I am confused, should one follow a new faith? Perhaps there is a christian priest or someone who knows something about faith who can help a bloke out......and bless allah for the mashed potatoes, lol!

Then piss off to a religious forum instead of trying to troll Turnoi.

#11 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-13
Re: Islam in China?

I guess your Quaker Priest had enough of your smarmy attitude to finally kick you out of their congregation, eh?

As for this Mosque, it is located on Nathan Road in HK and is frequented by Middle Eastern as well as Southeastern Asians who are of Islamic Faith. Not a lot of Chinese. But you cannot tell the difference, because you are ignorant. Nice attempt at trolling, but it didn't work.

#12 Parent El Mahdi - 2014-01-13
Re: Islam in China?

Hey, Shifter, you are wrong! This is not a mosque but the National Bank of Abu Dhabi building.

The Shifter - 2014-01-13
Islam in China?

While looking around before the chinese new year I photographed this old and very middle eastern looking mosque in Hong Kong.

There is a real message for us all there, although as an ex-christian, I am confused, should one follow a new faith? Perhaps there is a christian priest or someone who knows something about faith who can help a bloke out......and bless allah for the mashed potatoes, lol!

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