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#1 Parent Ned - 2014-01-14
Re: Degree Discussion - Here we go again...

Utter nonsense there is I agree no similarity between the writing styles of you regular posters. That site that you gave us the link for http://degreediscussion.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8442&sid=a65bea72191f07f66564ecda5c948770 reeks of certain people trying desperately to blacken the character of a good man on this site, with all sorts of lies and that thread is worth reading through- it is really quite laughable. I suspect the reasons could be professional jealousy; or, one of the schools that you have exposed for what they are. Carry on the good work guys, you are getting to them.

#2 Parent The Pizza Boy - 2014-01-14
Re: Degree Discussion - Here we go again...

Dear Turnoi and all,

I have been thinking about this today. Why suddenly has Kevin the Bevin surfaced again?

Well, he's leaving, as we all know now and so he intends, I think, to settle old scores, to wreck havoc and make miserable his old enemies before he departs China for Kansas, the land of Dorothy and Oz. It's simply called settling-old-scores-and-then-leave.

He has been blasting away away at you all on another site these days where he reigns supreme but few there pick up on his rants.

Oh, well, off to Kansas, dear guy.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-14
Re: Degree Discussion - Here we go again...

If Kevin and Woodbine Willie are possibly the same person, it would go a long way to explain why he/she/it is so obsessed with us.

#4 Parent Kansas Wank - 2014-01-14
Re: Degree Discussion - Here we go again...

I have just been informed by a VERY respectable and trustworthy source, that Schmidt is posting at that other website under several aliases: Turnoi, of course, as well as "Silverboy", "Dragonized", and a "newer" member, "John O'Shei". He's posting 3 and 4-way conversations
Just wondering what "VERY respectable and trustworthy source" that was. The "source" has at least by now proved to be highly unreliable. But may be, it has never existed and the poster made it all up. That poster is wrong anyway, and that shows that posters like this cannot be trusted. The Bevin monster did the same on Dave's where he was shown the door.
#5 Parent Pizza Delivery Boy - 2014-01-14
Home Pizza Delivery

I just read the other site. Let it go, dear Turnoi. Your comments around here are really appreciated by the rest of us.

As for the Pizza Boy, as you write, he's going back to Kansas in June -- finally, after maybe 10 years in China, he's heading out.

The Good Lord and his mercies. Nonetheless, he sure did a lot of damage to a lot of people in his time here.

#6 Parent Solemn Disguise - 2014-01-14
Re: Degree Discussion - Here we go again...

Let's see: Kevin The Bevin, instead of throwing tables and chairs, has retorted to posting rubbish in the worldwide web. If he is doing that instead of throwing tables and chairs and abusing of some other kind, then he must have become relatively "harmless". But make no mistake, Western low-lives in China like him will never change and continue doing what they always have been doing. People like that need to be arrested and deported, so it's high time the Chinese PSB do their job!

have just been informed by a VERY respectable and trustworthy source, that Schmidt is posting at that other website under several aliases: Turnoi, of course, as well as "Silverboy", "Dragonized", and a "newer" member, "John O'Shei". He's posting 3 and 4-way conversations . . . with himself!
John O'Shei - 2014-01-14
Degree Discussion - Here we go again...

I have just been informed by a VERY respectable and trustworthy source, that Schmidt is posting at that other website under several aliases: Turnoi, of course, as well as "Silverboy", "Dragonized", and a "newer" member, "John O'Shei". He's posting 3 and 4-way conversations . . . with himself! That is really a hoot! :lol: :roll:


So, I am apparently one of his 4 aliases, lol. That boy is getting a tad desperate now.

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