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#1 Parent lambert - 2014-01-29
Teacher, I am blacklisted in china

Is there anything i can do ?

Can anyone help me to get around this blacklist or is it dead for me in China.

Thanks for your help.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-01-18
Re: Warning China Jingdezhen Comprehensive College

Scary stuff... However, one or two posters are aware of ways to get around the blacklist... Hopefully, they can tell you a little more.

lambert - 2014-01-18
Warning China Jingdezhen Comprehensive College

You really want to teach at the JINGDEZHEN University.

Think twice before doing the jump, it might be your last move in China. Teaching there was like crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a bathtub.

I am French, Teacher at the JINGDEZHEN University during the first semester 2013.

As you might know, Jingdezhen has already a bad reputation. Read first this post.


I will write my warning as a supplement of this one.

Before everything, I respect the students more than you can imagine, but I would never recommend JINGDEZHEN to anyone that I am friends with.

I will start just by giving few elements to describe the context, the atmosphere.
It’s Sunday morning you are in your bed. Like every day you are awakened by a loud noise at 6 AM. Your apartment is located in the middle of the campus and the activity around starts at 6 AM every day even the Sunday.
It’s only 6 am, so you decide to stay in your bed. Why? Because it’s Sunday damn and you have nothing to do. But after a couple of hours you realize that this idea was wrong.
The phone rings. You hear some words from a voice you know, it takes one second to understand that the voice comes from one lady working at the foreign office. She says: “You have class today. The students are waiting for you. You must go there immediately”.
Without a shower, without any breakfast, without questioning, you got dressed and ran to the classroom.
Fortunately you had one lesson prepared in advance.
So during 2 hours, dirty, you give this lesson to 55 students completely dumbfounded. You give this lesson with a feeling of humiliation.
At the end of the day during a meeting with the foreign office team you complained strongly about this situation. But the answer you’ve got from the person in charge of the communication with the teachers is: “I told you that this Sunday was working date”. You don’t say anything…you are not used to deal with dishonest people. All this because the University has changed the schedule of the week without letting me know.

Problems start for you when you become very popular with students. JINGDEZHEN doesn’t like popular teachers because popular teachers “have too much influence on students.”
The result: you are given more hours to teach.
When you ask the management: “All the teachers have signed the same contract! Why does my week workload has 4 more hours than others teachers? We have the same salary!”
The answer is “This is our decision. You have nothing to say. Based on the contract you have signed we can give you 8 hours more than others. With only 4 hours more you should feel lucky.

I was in good terms with the JINGDEZHEN foreign office of the University until the day I received an email from a Chinese recruiter.
This is his email:
“Heze University wanted to hire you, but they called Jingdezhen University, Jiangxi Province. We were all told that your name is blocked in China Foreign Experts Bureau. No Schools can help you get a new working visa and a new foreign expert card in China Foreign Experts Bureau. It is a dead reason for you.”
I’ve asked confirmation to the University and surprise, for the first time, I didn’t have any answer from them. So I decided to write this warning:

My intention here was to warn any teachers to stay well away from JINGDEZHEN.
I am convinced that JINGDEZHEN put systematically foreign teachers on the Teacher National blacklist at the end of the year for one reason or another.
Whether you finish your contract or not you will be blacklisted. No matter how good teacher you are!!!!
I suppose that Teachers are put, most of the time, in the “trouble maker” category.


So, if your intention is to work in China for more than 1 year, do not start with JINGDEZHEN University. If you just want to have one experience in China and then leave, you will be ok with them.
From what I have heard, all the former teachers who had worked at the JINGDEZHEN University left China after the JINGDEZHEN experience.
Maybe without knowing that they are now on the Teacher national blacklist!!!!!

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