Return to Index › Article by Prof. Stephen Sass, Cornell University: "Can China Innovate Without Dissent?"
#1 Parent Whoops! - 2014-01-22
Re: Article by Prof. Stephen Sass, Cornell University: "Can China Innovate Without Dissent?"

The only thing China is innovative in is piracy, making weapons of mass destruction, lying about an 80% increase in military spending, attempting to colonize most of the African Continent, computer hacking, generation of mass pollution, and black market human organs and of course the clever mobile execution vans. Oh yes I forgot lying, cheating, and stealing and instilling those values in their children.

Curious - 2014-01-22
Article by Prof. Stephen Sass, Cornell University: "Can China Innovate Without Dissent?"

Because some of you in China can't always have access to the NYT, I post some excerpts here from time to time, on topics related to education. Today, 3 reasons why Prof Sass believes that China can't become a leader in innovation, ahead of the West, without a bottom-up culture of dissent, skepticism and critical questioning.

But as a scientist who has taught in China, I don’t believe that China will lead in innovation anytime soon — or at least not until it moves its institutional culture away from suppression of dissent and toward freedom of expression and encouragement of critical thought. Almost all the paradigm-shifting innovations over the past few hundred years — from Michael Faraday’s generating electricity by moving a copper wire through a magnetic field in London in 1831 to the invention of the transistor at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey in the 1940s — have emerged in countries with relatively high levels of political and intellectual liberty. Why is this?

1- Cultural: Free societies encourage people to be skeptical and ask critical questions.
2- Institutional: Much of American innovation started with the bright ideas of a few individuals (…) innovation is typically the product of a bottom-up approach. Chinese colleagues told me that scientific research was initiated in a top-down manner.
3- Political. Free societies attract foreign talent.

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