Return to Index › Where can i go without a degree? - Teachers discussion
#1 Parent Rheno - 2005-09-09
You won't be able to teach in Thailand unless.... - Teachers discussion

You'll won't be able to teach in Thailand without a degree, unless you get a fake degree made in Bangkok. I wouldn't go this route, however. You can get in big trouble here if you are discovered to be teaching on a fake degree. Many have tried, and many have been discovered and paid for it. Thailand isn't worth that risk.

Fake TESOL, sure. Fake degree? No way.

It's ironic that a country having such low salaries for TEFL teachers, one of the world's worst education systems, and some of the worst students on the planet requires both a degree and a TESOL.

Jobs in South Korea, with much better students, airfare reimbursements, and much higher salaries, normally don't require a TESOL. However, as you no doubt are already aware, you WILL need a degree in SK. And forget about trying to use a fake degree there--SK immigration does a thorough verification check to ensure TEFL teachers' degrees are legit.

It's your choice what you do, but I'd say a fake degree is out if you want a decent job like you could find in SK.

I've read about so-called 'diploma mills' back in the US. You do minimal work for a short time and get a legit degree. You could go this route. I don't know much more about diploma mills, save for the fact there are at least three in Cheyenne, Wyoming. I don't know how long their programs are or how much they cost. I read about 'em in USA Today.

Good luck.


#2 Parent Xue - 2005-09-08
Where to go without a degree - Teachers discussion

I don't know where you can go, but you can definately not go to either Korea or Japan. Maybe try Thailand or Indonesia...

Lisa - 2005-09-04
Where can i go without a degree? - Teachers discussion

Does anyone have a list of countries you can teach esl in without a degree (except China)? I have my Trinity Tesol Cert and i'm 21. Thanks for any help

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