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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-30
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

Of course, but those people always bring a doodle pad with them so we will know who they are...hehehe.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-29
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

Muslim noodles? Not all English teachers live mainly off those, just retards that never learn to read Chinese.

It's funny but I just remembered. One of the former regular posters on this forum who fell out of favor with us due to his rants against Filipino women told me how much he like eating at these types of places. Coincidence?

#3 Parent John O’Shei - 2014-01-29
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

Don’t get me wrong, I like the Lanzhou Lamian places, but when people see a picture menu as a selling point...

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-29
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

The Willyless one of Manchester again. Go get a Hajj Visa and trek your arse to Mecca, Saudi Arabia if you're so intent on converting to become a Muslim. But I'll bet you can't do that because you drink, smoke, and probably do drugs. The puritan Sunni Wahhabi way of Islam there would make you whine and get the flack out in about less than 48 hours.

Your knowledge of Islam and Chinese people are about as good as Cortez's knowledge of Native American culture or Hitler's knowledge of Voodooism. People like you can never focus on anything for more than 10 minutes without losing attention because you think you've got it all figured out. Take a hike somewhere else. I do think you'd fit in rather well with your local Skinhead group. Fail.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-29
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

To be fair, the Muslim Noodle places in China were pretty decent. I did home cooking as well as eating out. I'd say it was half and half. I didn't always get the noodles when I went to those places though. They have a lot of dishes there, too. If you're willing to spend around 30 yuan you can get 2 large dishes with a soup as well as a plate of beef and eggs over rice. It was a good deal if you were eating in a hurry. Proper restaurants always leave you spending around 50 yuan.

The problem with someone like The Thing or The Shifter's ilk is that they don't know anything about any ethnic groups or cultures. They put their judgement purely on creed, race, or whatever you're born into. Fact is, the world is a lot bigger than just your skin color. I have said this before but I highly doubt a white person would appreciate it if someone of another skin color walked up to them and said "you're Roman, period" and judged everyone on the more pale side as carrying the habits of this extinct culture. This type of racism unfortunately is found all over the USA. There is a reason it is still in the top 10 for discrimination from some survey rankings, though other publicized countries like Russia, India, and China are on there as well.

#6 Parent John O’Shei - 2014-01-29
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

Muslim noodles? Not all English teachers live mainly off those, just retards that never learn to read Chinese. Besides, beef noodles tend to be more of a Taiwan thing anyway.

You tend to always get certain English teachers always going to those Lanzhou Lamian places because the food is cheap and the menus have pictures. In the end, you just decide not to eat together with them.

As for ramen/lamian, it is easily found all over the world, mainly in its Japanese form, so anything about Chinese Muslims in New York is irrelevant. Even in China, I prefer to eat the Japanese variation, with a flavour that tends to lack the spiciness of the Lanzhou varieties, with the addition of things like hard boiled eggs, seaweed and meat from a dirty great pig that is far too tasty for Muslims. Except the naughty ones.

I do have a soft spot for the pork bone broth ramen sold at Ajisen Ramen despite its relative high price. It is an excellent hangover cure.

Anyway, I severely doubt that Dragonized was ever reliant on such places for cheap local food, whilst inside or outside of China.

#7 Parent The Thing - 2014-01-29
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

And what would be your favourite chinese dish, gutter oil beef noodles perhaps? the muslim ones? They don't have those in new york do they, oh I stand corrected, there are chinese muslims there.

#8 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-28
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

To be fair, this wumao finally earned enough cents to buy that pancake with extra onions. Gutter Oil Shao Bing - Whoooo!

#9 Parent John O’Shei - 2014-01-28
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

I don't think they give a shit.
I would not in their place!
This idea of keeping 4-5 regular posters in order to generate traffic in order to generate advertisement income came from the mancunian poster, and like anything he wrote, it's not based on reality. I have my own website and I can tell you that it takes tens of thousands of hits before they turn into advertisement revenues. Get back to earth!

There are probably more lurkers on this site than you think. Besides, do you really think that I would take the opinions of a silly little wumao like you seriously?

#10 Parent This is terrible!!! - 2014-01-28
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

I don't think they give a shit.
I would not in their place!
This idea of keeping 4-5 regular posters in order to generate traffic in order to generate advertisement income came from the mancunian poster, and like anything he wrote, it's not based on reality. I have my own website and I can tell you that it takes tens of thousands of hits before they turn into advertisement revenues. Get back to earth!

#11 Parent John O’Shei - 2014-01-28
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

Not only is her remark terrible, but the idea of them being able to do what they want because the site belongs to them... Indeed, it might be true but if they lose regular posters and regular traffic, they would lose a lot of advertising revenue.

That is why most board/forum admins pay a lot of attention to their regular posters.

The site admin have admitted that they fear action from the Chinese authorities. They shouldn’t, every foreigner has a VPN these days.

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