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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-29
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

I did some research and I think the DD forum is not very significant. As for the people who said the false things about me, I have to say that they are merely lying because they want my attention. They are incapable of love because they have a clinical condition called Psychopathy. For these types of people, the less you care about them the better. Let them rot in their own little corner and make everyone see how much they hate people. This forum gets much more attention and words that are spoken on here mean more too.

#2 Parent John O’Shei - 2014-01-30
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

I don’t even think any of those posters are even respected at degree discussion anyway.

#3 Parent John O’Shei - 2014-01-30
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

To be honest, they can try to slander my alias all they want, but they are trying to slander Turnoi with some very personal comments which is not good when you consider that he uses his real name. I think that the racism towards Dragz is not acceptable either.

#4 Parent Yanguiweili - 2014-01-29
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

Hi Yang thanks for the information. I do not know much about degree discussion and although I have come across the site before it did not look very large or for that matter significant to me. You make enemies in life if you stand up for what you believe in. I would not go after everyone I ever disagreed with unless it was something that could hurt me significantly. Of course if someone tried doing this to my friends I would not mind getting down into the mud too. I think we've already chased those old goons off this forum, and this forum is much more popular and many more people visit this place than DD. Can you tell us more about the board mods on that forum as well as if posters such as The Baker has been posting on there for a while?

Hi Dragonized. I'm sorry to say I can't help you very much. I came across that forum by pure chance and this one as a result. I was bored and decided to look up a girl's name beginning in 'MU' You can try it. Every time you type in 'mu' you get, first choice the name of a man who may or may be not connected with all this strife. As I am a teacher, I started reading Degree Discussions. I gotta say it was interesting and got better and better. I felt compelled to cross-check all the time with this forum. The thread starts with mentioning this forum and certainly ends, to date, doing so. I gotta say, these cross-forum arguments seem really novel and quite exiting. That said, I don't think I will get involved farther with this topic but look forward to others. You can see how many people are online on that forum, and not many I would agree with you.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2014-01-29
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

Hi Yang thanks for the information. I do not know much about degree discussion and although I have come across the site before it did not look very large or for that matter significant to me. You make enemies in life if you stand up for what you believe in. I would not go after everyone I ever disagreed with unless it was something that could hurt me significantly. Of course if someone tried doing this to my friends I would not mind getting down into the mud too. I think we've already chased those old goons off this forum, and this forum is much more popular and many more people visit this place than DD. Can you tell us more about the board mods on that forum as well as if posters such as The Baker has been posting on there for a while?

#6 Parent Yanguiweili - 2014-01-29
Re: GW's on ESL websites.

Why should we waste our time on them? I think it's quite OK now when they post their rubbish. I highly doubt that anyone reading this would take it seriously. They are outing themselves for what they are by their own posts. Good!

If you will permit me to answer yours and John's at the same time. I will say that it seems you are all taking it very seriously, and that the other forum is obviously quite comfortable with them, otherwise they'd kick their asses. It must be all good news to them to have such an old thread revitalised. I will say that I have nothing against you or them because I don't know either party; I was just a little perplexed because to an outsider it looks like they are walking all over you, and you just seem to be taking it. Good luck to you in any event. I've been busy recently trying to find some way of whiling away a couple of hours a day and I do find this forum interesting. Perhaps in the future I will be able to comment on some things I understand. Happy Chinese New Year's Eve to you one and all.

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