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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-16
Re: CNN Article - Survey: Online trolls are 'everyday sadists'

Normal people do not like living in an open mental asylum for any extended period of time, it's too understandable.

That's exactly what my old training centre job was like. Me and the only other teacher was normal ended up taking excessive amounts of fag breaks during office hours. Looking back, I think that we were subconsciously just trying to escape from the company of all the weird ones in the office. That and the crazy teenage students that were either obsessed with the English Premier League or had a huge crush on you, that constantly pester you whilst you were sat at your desk giggling away at completely inappropriate stuff on Reddit or whatever, in a vain attempt to kill the boredom.

Teaching at a university is not as bad, at least you can avoid the foreign teacher's office for all but two hours every week and do any lesson prep in your apartment, completely segregated from those arseholes.

Then again, my mate complains that at his university down the road; it is just full of newbie teachers that are pretty much on what might as well be a 'one year dicking around abroad/China experience resume stamp program', every time they have a foreign teachers' meeting and discuss staff activities, it is always the same old usual shit. Wanting to go to all the tourist places, try certain local food for the first time that normal people have already eaten a million times.

Can't help but thinking that these people won't exactly be that focused upon actually teaching at all. They could have at least just got a scholarship for a Chinese language course or something, if they didn't actually want to work.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2014-02-16
Re: CNN Article - Survey: Online trolls are 'everyday sadists'

That is because you are a mere normal, down to earth mortal who I would hang out with and shoot the wind with. Normal people do not like living in an open mental asylum for any extended period of time, it's too understandable.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-16
Re: CNN Article - Survey: Online trolls are 'everyday sadists'

You meet so many expats who let outside personalities dominate their own way of thinking, which affects their behavior. One would be hard pressed to find so many mentally disturbed individuals in most professions.

I think I am becoming slightly mentally disturbed in recent times too... Disturbed by the floating foreign shit that seems to end up in China on an increasingly regular basis... No wonder several foreign teachers like me are increasingly considering getting out of the teaching industry here.

I don't mean to sound like I have superiority complex, but I don't feel that I belong in the same company as half of these retards and weasels that are coming over nowadays. I can do a hell of a lot more than that.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2014-02-16
Re: CNN Article - Survey: Online trolls are 'everyday sadists'

You meet so many expats who let outside personalities dominate their own way of thinking, which affects their behavior. One would be hard pressed to find so many mentally disturbed individuals in most professions.

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-15
Re: CNN Article - Survey: Online trolls are 'everyday sadists'

How the river crabs and wu maos would love to harmonise things by calling certain people, 'trolls.'

Well, it ain't gonna happen here.

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