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#1 Parent martin - 2014-02-28
Re: missionaries on campus

In starting this thread I was wondering about the prevalence of missionary activity on college campuses in China. Heated views on politics or sexual preference or religion are to be expected in all on-line communication. But passionate expressions of belief differ from proselytizing. Foreign teachers who are nihilists or gay or Lutheran are not likely to be seeking converts in their tenure at Chinese universities. Neither do the contractual restrictions on classroom discussion topics equate to an effort by school authorities to restrict missionary activity; they are prescribed nationally.

Since not one poster identified himself as a missionary, nor has anyone subscribed to the legitimacy of missionary activities on campus, apparently these activities are both covert and/or unrepresented among readers of this forum.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-27
Re: missionaries on campus

In my time I have seen foreign teachers push so many different modes of thought: feminism, atheism, alternative life styles, capitalism, even democracy when foreign students have tried to build student unions and student governments. In private I tell my young Chinese people to think it over very well before choosing a "lifestyle."

At schools, even in China, one can see S.T.D.s and unwanted pregnancies sometimes. I worked in American high schools, and believe me that sexual education is given a lot of class time, and the U.S. still leads the world in teen pregnancy even if the school nurse has jars full of free condoms. What some teachers don't understand is that when a girl is having her "fun," then an unwanted pregnancy comes up, we foreigners blame the lack of sexual education was missing at school. Maybe it was just a bad choice because the girl did not wait to get married.

We Christian teachers can certainly share our faith with those students that ask us over a meal or coffee, or we can come up to them and share as well.

But, I was contracted by my school to teach English and not Christianity inside the classroom. If I were to take any class, I only want to learn what I am promised to learn. Like wise, I wish some of my colleagues would also stick to teaching English instead of the proper brand of condoms to use or to lecture the Chinese on how downtrodden the poor are in China. The teachers I work with all know I am a Christian as do my students.

I don't agree with all the ideas some of these posters have. I try to be positive and gainfully contribute to this board. I have on occasion gone overboard with my comments on here, but on the whole I try to be respectful without resorting to name calling. Name calling can be attested to frustration or that the author has ran out of arguments. We can all disagree, but at least we can be cordial.

Teaching students about what brand of condoms to use? I'm all for sex education (but not in my English class), but there is no need for such corporate sponsorship in a classroom.

#3 Parent juanisaac - 2014-02-27
Re: missionaries on campus

In my time I have seen foreign teachers push so many different modes of thought: feminism, atheism, alternative life styles, capitalism, even democracy when foreign students have tried to build student unions and student governments. In private I tell my young Chinese people to think it over very well before choosing a "lifestyle."

At schools, even in China, one can see S.T.D.s and unwanted pregnancies sometimes. I worked in American high schools, and believe me that sexual education is given a lot of class time, and the U.S. still leads the world in teen pregnancy even if the school nurse has jars full of free condoms. What some teachers don't understand is that when a girl is having her "fun," then an unwanted pregnancy comes up, we foreigners blame the lack of sexual education was missing at school. Maybe it was just a bad choice because the girl did not wait to get married.

We Christian teachers can certainly share our faith with those students that ask us over a meal or coffee, or we can come up to them and share as well.

But, I was contracted by my school to teach English and not Christianity inside the classroom. If I were to take any class, I only want to learn what I am promised to learn. Like wise, I wish some of my colleagues would also stick to teaching English instead of the proper brand of condoms to use or to lecture the Chinese on how downtrodden the poor are in China. The teachers I work with all know I am a Christian as do my students.

I don't agree with all the ideas some of these posters have. I try to be positive and gainfully contribute to this board. I have on occasion gone overboard with my comments on here, but on the whole I try to be respectful without resorting to name calling. Name calling can be attested to frustration or that the author has ran out of arguments. We can all disagree, but at least we can be cordial.

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-23
Re: missionaries on campus

The vast majority of Westerners consider homosexuality to be anything on a scale of an absolutely vile abomination against God and nature to something that is just a filthy low sexual perversion all the way to something considered 'gross' and finally rounding down the scale to those who say "do what you want" but, in fact, would not want it in their own house and definitely NOT want their children doing it. At the very least 'something weird'. This is about 80% of people in the Western countries. Somewhere on that scale. Only about 10% are so stupid they just believe its a 'kind of gender' (genetic fluke). the other 10% are people like you who only pretend it's normal because it gives you a squealing sick thrill inside to know it hurts Christians and 'conservatives' and you really get off on that.
You know I'm about right about this too.

You consider homosexuality to be wrong on the basis that sodomy is a sin?

I'm straight, yet have partaken in sodomy a few times. I don't think it's wrong, I think it's fun. After all, why should gay people have all the fun?

You really fear two people of the same gender loving each other in a romantic way? I don't fear people loving each other, I fear people hating each other.

And you really think that most western people are against homosexuality? This charts suggests otherwise:

Link to the site

Let's see... Which countries hate homosexuality the most? The countries with high infant mortality rates and population decrease problems, why is that?

The biggest homophobes are shit at reproducing or/and enabling the offspring that they shit out to survive past 5 years old. How wonderful.
#5 Parent ZhengJulyHoo - 2014-02-22
Re: missionaries on campus

The vast majority of Westerners consider homosexuality to be anything on a scale of an absolutely vile abomination against God and nature to something that is just a filthy low sexual perversion all the way to something considered 'gross' and finally rounding down the scale to those who say "do what you want" but, in fact, would not want it in their own house and definitely NOT want their children doing it. At the very least 'something weird'. This is about 80% of people in the Western countries. Somewhere on that scale. Only about 10% are so stupid they just believe its a 'kind of gender' (genetic fluke). the other 10% are people like you who only pretend it's normal because it gives you a squealing sick thrill inside to know it hurts Christians and 'conservatives' and you really get off on that.

You know I'm about right about this too.

#6 Parent giver or taker? - 2014-02-22
Re: missionaries on campus

Once again, you are speaking rubbish. Ain't no such thing as "traditional Chinese values" etc, not nowadays anyway. You seem to be very out of touch with modern China.
FYI, many young Chinese are engaging in pre-marital sex in 2014, and that is normal and healthy.

I don't think Chinese people need to be brainwashed by the likes of yourself in regard to how they live their lives. People will decide themselves about their sexual orientation, who they have sex with, or how often they have sex.

They don't need or want governments or religious zealots interfering in their lives and telling them how they should behave.

#7 Parent John O’Shei - 2014-02-22
Re: missionaries on campus

F**k off you homophobic twat, there are backwards third world shithole countries like Uganda and Nigeria that actually enjoy your style of homophobic preaching, go there. Not to mention Russia, who has a huge population shrinkage problem, they seem to be more scared of gays than anybody.

Maybe, if their men stopped drinking and smoking so much and injecting krokodil into their veins, they might actually start living beyond 55 and become slightly more fertile.

#8 Parent ZhengGoGrow - 2014-02-21
Re: missionaries on campus

No good foreigner would 'teach' anyone that gay and lesbian sex or premarital sex is somehow an 'equally valid choice' and quite seriously you are the raging fundamentalist zealot who wants to convert Chinese to your left-wing atheistic fundy religion. Christianity and it's principles and values square with traditional Chinese values. Surprisingly close in so many ways. This is one of the reasons large growing Christian churches (who need no foreign 'missionaries' and are themselves missionaries in the West) but this is why they are increasingly well-tolerated by the Chinese government. What we could use is less nefarious left-wing atheist anti-conservative westerners sneaking in and trying to pervert the minds of Chinese students with their old Western 'back to romantic Rome' gay, atheistic left-wing zealous hate-fueled narrow-minded religious beliefs. Besides, it's not the 1980s anymore.

#9 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-20
Re: missionaries on campus

And you sir, are a fundamentalist fool! You won't get far pushing your religious propaganda on a site like this I feel. As for chastity, only a retard would promote such thing. A good ESL teacher will educate Chinese or other students to the fact that there are many different lifestyle choices available. Example, gay and lesbian relationships, de-facto relationships, ONS, casual sex. Marriage and chastity, abstinence, they are also choices, but not the only ones.
And don't tell me that China is a society based on marriage and family values, maybe 20 years ago it was, but marriage is a largely useless and meaningless institution in China nowadays.

And also Christianity is not a Chinese thing, never has been or will be. You need to get a life!

I'm not sure if we are really allowed to teach that, they are bit sensitive about that kind of topic! Which is pathetic, really.

However, if students ask me about this kind of thing in private, f**k it.

I'm not that old, so I can be that fake older brother that they never had due to the one child policy. Hell, I even advised one student against traditional style chastity on the grounds, that one needs to test drive the car before they buy it... She now seems to be very happy with her current boyfriend.

However, one of my friends did teach a 'Gender and sexuality' class at a project 211/985 university... I guess that she is a feisty, independent kind of woman, so she is the right kind of person to teach that. But if it was me who had to teach that, it would be the MOST unprofessional class ever.

Talking openly with a class mainly made up of pretty 20 something female students about their sex lives... I'm normally one of those who advocates not sleeping with students and what not, but if I had to teach that class, all control would be lost, my inner pervert would come out. The start of my class might go something like this:

"So, today's topic of discussion is... A-levels."

"Who really enjoys it when their boyfriend takes them on a trip up the Bournville Boulevard?" "Let's see a show of hands."

(a few shy and embarrassed giggling students stick their hands up)

"YEAH!!! You're definitely first." "So please tell me, why did you choose to give him a golden ticket?" "What does a man have to do in order to receive one?"

#10 Parent giver or taker? - 2014-02-20
Re: missionaries on campus

And you sir, are a fundamentalist fool! You won't get far pushing your religious propaganda on a site like this I feel. As for chastity, only a retard would promote such thing. A good ESL teacher will educate Chinese or other students to the fact that there are many different lifestyle choices available. Example, gay and lesbian relationships, de-facto relationships, ONS, casual sex. Marriage and chastity, abstinence, they are also choices, but not the only ones.

And don't tell me that China is a society based on marriage and family values, maybe 20 years ago it was, but marriage is a largely useless and meaningless institution in China nowadays.

And also Christianity is not a Chinese thing, never has been or will be. You need to get a life!

#11 Parent John O’Shei - 2014-02-20
Re: missionaries on campus

Nobody cares whether Turnoi is pro or anti Christian, half of the posters on here including me, are atheists.

#12 Parent Zhengdolly He - 2014-02-20
Re: missionaries on campus

Turnoi is the apocalyptic antichrist in person, and he gets personal now in addition to his anti-Christian propaganda. He is a true demon.

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