Return to Index › Re: missionaries on campus
#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-22
Re: missionaries on campus

*Duly note - you are at the risk of being 'removed from Chinese society' for nefarious propaganda and definitely not me or any other Christians. Its YOU who's the evil-doer and trouble-maker.
It's been you all along.

As he no longer lives in China, that is probably of zero concern to him!

#2 Parent ZhengGoGrow - 2014-02-22
Re: missionaries on campus

I've read a lot of anti-missionary propaganda and absolutely nobody can ever verify missionaries doing such antichristian things as denying food to anyone during any famine. What gives away your fraud? This nonsense about '..unless they convert'. Nonsense. Christians are not Muslims and no Christian (former-Christian) would even use this wording or entertain that idea as valid. As you OUGHT to know - it's impossible to 'force conversion' in Christianity and the very concept is foreign to Christianity.

You've been caught lying again. You are so stupid you still can't even figure out WHY its obvious you are bluffing and faking your way through these claims. Any real Christian can see you are making this up lol

*Duly note - you are at the risk of being 'removed from Chinese society' for nefarious propaganda and definitely not me or any other Christians. Its YOU who's the evil-doer and trouble-maker.
It's been you all along.

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