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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-23
Re: missionaries on campus

Just be aware that you tried to find a way to have ideas banned.
Live in that shame.
Really think about how weak and faulty your world view has to be - you just want the ideas banned and disallowed.
*meanwhile, this was about ESL teachers bringing their 'no god' beliefs into ESL teaching. You have admitted this.
Really stew on your shame for a while.


I'm sure that I can live with that 'shame'...

There are big differences between R.E teachers and English teachers. If I had wanted to teach R.E, I would have trained and applied for the right kind of job accordingly.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-23
Re: missionaries on campus

Just go away. Not interested in listening to your Christian fundamentalist propaganda any longer. Up on your high horse telling others how to live their lives. Not very democratic man!
I supposed you are in opposition to pornography and prostitution also, and I'll bet you look down upon porn stars and prostitutes. Even though these industries provide a living for millions of people.

Haha, most homophobic people in this world would tell you homosexuality is wrong, because sodomy is a sin. Yet they would not be able to to honestly tell you that they've never watched a boy/girl anal scene in a porno. How hypocritical.

#3 Parent giver or taker? - 2014-02-23
Re: missionaries on campus

Just go away. Not interested in listening to your Christian fundamentalist propaganda any longer. Up on your high horse telling others how to live their lives. Not very democratic man!

I supposed you are in opposition to pornography and prostitution also, and I'll bet you look down upon porn stars and prostitutes. Even though these industries provide a living for millions of people.

#4 Parent ZhengJulyHoo - 2014-02-22
Re: missionaries on campus

Just be aware that you tried to find a way to have ideas banned.
Live in that shame.
Really think about how weak and faulty your world view has to be - you just want the ideas banned and disallowed.

*meanwhile, this was about ESL teachers bringing their 'no god' beliefs into ESL teaching. You have admitted this.
Really stew on your shame for a while.


#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-02-22
Re: missionaries on campus

These latest aliases need to be banned. This board is for ESL, not godsquad crap.

#6 Parent martin - 2014-02-22
Re: missionaries on campus

"In some cases local Chinese will want to talk about their Christian church or monotheism as China's native religion or how they pray etc. I don't know this is 'evangelizing' anymore than my enthusiastic revelations about hockey in Canada or anything else we are asked about."

I respectfully ask whether you have come to China with the purpose of providing Chinese citizens with the gift of your Christian faith. If you have come specifically for that purpose, does your church feel it is necessary and proper to identify yourself to your employer as being here for that purpose?

#7 Parent giver or taker? - 2014-02-22
Re: missionaries on campus

Now you are really being absurd. Actually, yes, people having babies, or too many of them is a bad thing. Overpopulation is a serious problem. As for something being created from nothing, well, scientists have done that in the laboratory many times thanks to particle accelerators. If humans can do it I don't see why nature can't, seems like a no-brainer to me!

It seems that now there is pretty substantial evidence that a "God" was not required to "create" a universe. There was a singularity, a point in space and time, and an expansion.

As for 9/11, well, yeah, many people had prior knowledge of that event. Can you please explain why certain people were short-selling airline stocks prying to 9/11? It is because they knew it was going to happen, that's why. Also certain clues well before 9/11, eg, it's mention in popular culture, TV, films ( this has been well documented )

Stop being so naïve, stop listening to claptrap spouted by governments and churches.

#8 Parent ZhengGoGrow - 2014-02-21
Re: missionaries on campus

Yes well I'm asked to respect people that believe 'something came from nothing' and did so by unguided unintelligent forces no less. That 'UF' (unguided forces) or rather the Universe as 'God' turned rock sludge into hawks, grass, T-Rex, dolphins, worms and tigers and did so over trillions of reincarnations that include talking apes and winged-dinosaurs (forget horses) and never mind the billions of creatures that they believe would have existed (Unicorns being the least exotic) the same people now want to tell me that they just discovered that two men (but not 3 or 8) using their anuses as 'vaginas' isn't actually a behavior but a perfectly healthy valid kind of 'gender' we just discovered. They are actually a 'type of gender' born and that an anus is just as high and equal as a vagina for sexual gratification and so is free premarital sex of any kind and on top of all this - it turns out that churchgoers are the 'real evil' and I suppose babies are what hurts the planet and I suppose 9-11 was an 'inside job' so Dick Cheney could make millions for his old oil buddies etc and on.

These college boy parrots have decided this is entirely worth evangelizing for (like a right) and oh the condescending attitude of their enlightenment. If only Buddha was a self-aware as these left-wing college grads! They don't even suppose they themselves are products of 19th century Western 'Gnosticism' with Eastern monkey-men and quasi-Hindu 'westernized' beliefs anyways.

Yes, I'm asked to respect these people too. But I'm not a hypocrite like most of them. I suggest that - if and when asked - they feel free to share their beliefs in evolution, atheism and transgenders as 'holy' creations. So too a Christian in China - if and when asked - will feel free to share their experience and belief systems. In some cases local Chinese will want to talk about their Christian church or monotheism as China's native religion or how they pray etc. I don't know this is 'evangelizing' anymore than my enthusiastic revelations about hockey in Canada or anything else we are asked about.

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