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#1 Parent Ever - 2014-03-14
Re: Article in SCMP: US language tutor jailed for 30 years for sexually exploiting children in China

Paedophiles have more genes in common with crabs than they do with you and me. Now that is scientific fact—there's no real evidence for it—but it is scientific fact!

Brass Eye 2001

#2 Parent Zimmerman - 2014-03-13
Re: Article in SCMP: US language tutor jailed for 30 years for sexually exploiting children in China

Although this is meaningless to the crime - the abuser would be considered 'Hispanic' (not 'White') in his home country. A lot of us would ask 'what's the difference' but in the USA he wouldn't be a 'White guy' but 'Latino' or 'Hispanic'.

I worked in a jail for nearly a decade. There was a segregated area which was primarily used for sex offenders. Not all of them were 'pedophiles' of course but at any given time 1 or 2 would be sitting there. I once mentioned to a guard that I could not pick out anything about them that indicated 'pedophile' and that bothered me - I'd like to see some kind of 'warning sign' or 'something in their eyes'. The guard said there was one specific thing they all have in common and challenged me to find it. Maybe 2 weeks went by and I studied and observed and tried to pick it out - but I could not see 'it'!
Finally, weeks later I admitted to the guard that I hadn't spotted a single unique attribute in any of these 'skinners'. "You got it!" he said. Huh? He explained that one thing all pedophiles had in common was that they were very specifically 'ordinary'. I think we can say 'Generic'. In whatever their social circle (age, career etc).
The pedo who was a truck driver has the most standard issue 'trucker' styles, company jacket, common ball cap, he's neither too clean or too dirty. His cell phone will be a standard brand truckers use.
- But if the pedo was 21 he will be wearing the most common popular band t-shirt of his college, his hairstyle will be that years most popular style for 21 year olds, he has a red and blue backpack that almost all college kids have etc.
- If he was 17 he was wearing the most common 'UFC' t-shirt, that red cap they all wear, the typical cargo shorts and ....

Once he pointed this out it was obvious and of course it makes sense. They are the most 'generic' most 'bland', the most 'typical' and whatever their social circle they will blend in as the most 'common' appearance that can be chosen.

Oh.. and yes their vehicles were the same way. Trucker drove the standard Ford F-250, College guy the standard used Cavalier with a band sticker on the back window. 17 year old had a bicycle etc.

Unfortunately - NONE Of this helps us identify potential abusers since I've pretty much described 'anyone' but it's something to keep in mind.

#3 Parent juanisaac - 2014-03-13
Re: Article in SCMP: US language tutor jailed for 30 years for sexually exploiting children in China

There are plenty of non-white pedophiles out there as well.

#4 Parent FamilyMcFocus - 2014-03-12
Re: Article in SCMP: US language tutor jailed for 30 years for sexually exploiting children in China

1. Like most westerners I would like to see this piece of garbage executed. I will donate money for the bullet or noose.

2. The good news is that 99.999% of foreign teachers love children (many being parents themselves) and would do anything to protect their Chinese students. 99.999%

3. I don't know about everyone else but I most definitely had to provide an up-to-date (within a year) RCMP 'criminal record check' last year (2013) and will be providing a newly updated one since I've been back home and will return to a new contract.

4. I have no idea why these pedophile types would think the PRC is any kind of desirable destination - this isn't Thailand (and I know they are trying to crack down) but I'd think most criminal types would and should be intimidated by a nation that doesn't hesitate to execute drug smugglers or drop some serious jail time in VERY UNCOMFORTABLE prisons.

5. Unfortunately, I don't think the rate of child abuse is any less in the general local populations (which doesn't seem to be especially high either) so I suppose there is no special 'foreigner problem' here.

6. What infuriates me is people who've been caught. When I was a teenager a notorious rapist was finally caught (after multiple rapes and most teen girls) and btw - he was an immigrant from China -anyways, this Chinese immigrant was caught and now 15 years later he's released and has been seen happily walking around downtown in exactly the same places where he'd raped those girls. WTF?

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-03-11
Re: Article in SCMP: US language tutor jailed for 30 years for sexually exploiting children in China

Yeah, we all heard about the natives who doesn't teach anything, get drunk all the time and are still worshipped by the Chinese while those from mainland Europe, Africa, South America or Asia who are doing excellent work are constantly looked down upon by the Chinese.
Of course there are also excellent native teachers and awful non-natives with some weird accents "thiz iz a epple!".

I tend to get sexually aroused when I heard such accents. Prior to leaving the UK, the only time I had ever heard such accents was whilst watching porn; that was usually produced in the Netherlands or Germany.

#6 Parent Martin - 2014-03-10
Re: Article in SCMP: US language tutor jailed for 30 years for sexually exploiting children in China

Yeah, we all heard about the natives who doesn't teach anything, get drunk all the time and are still worshipped by the Chinese while those from mainland Europe, Africa, South America or Asia who are doing excellent work are constantly looked down upon by the Chinese.
Of course there are also excellent native teachers and awful non-natives with some weird accents "thiz iz a epple!".

#7 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-03-10
Re: Article in SCMP: US language tutor jailed for 30 years for sexually exploiting children in China

People like him get hired thanks of their "nativeness" and "white face", during this time tons of excellent and qualified teachers are ignored by schools because they are not white native speakers.
Sad story, but as long as such mindset will rule the ESL market, China can't be surprised when this kind of things happen.

Unfortunately, this mindset is very prevalent... Even on this board to an extent.

Certain undesirable posters seemed rather scared uncomfortable and scared when challenged by a ESL teacher from a not so stereotypical background and then started to squeal a little... You c**ts know who you are.

Not only are there several good non-white or even non-western teachers about, but as we have said many times, there's a lot of white western scumbags about.

#8 Parent Martin - 2014-03-10
Re: Article in SCMP: US language tutor jailed for 30 years for sexually exploiting children in China

People like him get hired thanks of their "nativeness" and "white face", during this time tons of excellent and qualified teachers are ignored by schools because they are not white native speakers.

Sad story, but as long as such mindset will rule the ESL market, China can't be surprised when this kind of things happen.

#9 Parent SCMP reader - 2014-03-08
Re: Article in SCMP: US language tutor jailed for 30 years for sexually exploiting children in China

Thanks for your reply, John

#10 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-03-08
Re: Article in SCMP: US language tutor jailed for 30 years for sexually exploiting children in China

I don't take much of what the SCMP says seriously because they are just a pathetic propaganda arm of the party these days, with the original HK culture bashing, constantly rimming mainlanders at every opportunity and so on.


If this means that Chinese authorities are working together better with American authorities to deal with sick, twisted perverts like that and make sure that they face lengthy prison sentences back home, then... Good.

As for the picture, isn't it obvious that is he a bit of a paedo nonce just by looking at him? He reminds me of the Mancubus from the Doom 2 video game and that thing no doubt gave plenty of teenagers nightmares back then. It certainly used to scare the shit out of me when it popped up on the screen.



Wesley Lowe

SCMP reader - 2014-03-08
Article in SCMP: US language tutor jailed for 30 years for sexually exploiting children in China

South China Morning Post: http://www.scmp.com/news/china-insider/article/1443498/us-language-tutor-jailed-30-years-sexually-exploiting-children

"A former elementary school teacher has been sentenced to 30 years in prison in the US for sexually exploiting children in China.

The United States District Court for the District of Columbia sentenced US citizen Hector Orjuela to 30 years in prison followed by lifelong supervision for child molestation and producing child pornography on Thursday.

The 47-year-old California-native spent years teaching at several international schools in Shanghai before his arrest.

Orjuela was one of five cases of sexual abuse of children by foreign teachers in China documented by the Post last year, raising calls for better background checks on teachers in China.

Demand for teachers continues to boom as private school cash in on a rising Chinese middle class eager to give their children an international education and a growing expat community. In 2011, Beijing alone had 26,000 foreign teachers."


Of related interest: Thrown to the wolves: China's children at the mercy of foreign predators - Children across China are at the mercy of foreign sexual predators who take advantage of lax background checks and inaction by schools, at http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1293248/thrown-wolves

"American kindergarten teacher David McMahon had been arrested in Shanghai over allegations of child abuse in six cases, the news anchor said."

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