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#1 Parent juanisaac - 2014-04-20
Re The Selfie Generation may end up teaching English in China.

Good for you that you did your work and finished the contract. That is what I want those that come to China to do, do a good job and finish the contract. If the school lives up to their end of the bargain, you should as well. If the school is a nightmare then yes you should leave early. I know a man who got the FEB involved and got out of the school what was on the contract- twice. If you go on to greener pastors great. Besides the "strapping young lad"I mentioned did not work at a training school but one of the best public schools in the province. The town was not good for his social life.

I've always taken issue with foreigners who think that some foreigners are always abused in their time working here. They are always the aggrieved and mistreated foreigner. For example, I knew two women that left one school just because they felt like it. They were treated well and were paid on time. But they just "got bored" and had to go home. I know one girl who lied to her school and told them that she was going to work for an English company expanding into town. Guess what, there is no English company. She just jumped ship to work for a higher salary with an internet based company. Whenever I see her she says "I don't care what happens. I just get paid." Quoting you "I believe in professionalism...and I also believe that professionalism is a MUTUAL expectation." In these cases the people that came did not live up to their end, did they?

I know another woman who had to go home every few months. The school took her to the airport and then had to bring her back. Another guy who just quit and went home because the internet was not connected in his room. I will stop there.

I criticize the Chinese a lot. There is crap these people do that I detest. With that said, I see foreigners play the victim game once too often. They have faults as well, you just mentioned them yourself.

#2 Parent Nova - 2014-04-20
Re The Selfie Generation may end up teaching English in China.

I've always taken issue with people who assume that 'strapping young grads' leave language training centers because they don't have a work ethic. Perhaps the reason 'strapping young grads' leave training centers is because they did not get a university degree to be a dancing white monkey? One of the litany of reasons that I left English First was that I did not take graduate level courses in applied linguistics from a top-tier university in my country in order to piss away my life sitting in a bar at a 'teaching event', watching my students get drunk out of their minds. So, I took some initiative and found a job where I actually have to challenge myself and apply the skills I learned.

The reason I--and many others that I know--kicked training schools to the curb was not because they made me do their version of "work" (ie, show up to their locations for 8 or 9 hours a day, teach their crummy pre-planned "lessons" that may or may not be ridden with grammatical and other errors, and find ways to kill time when I am not in the classroom), but because I got sick of their (occasionally illegal) bullshit. I believe in professionalism...and I also believe that professionalism is a MUTUAL expectation. If I cannot expect an employer to adhere to its end of the contract, then we do not have a working relationship, and I will not 'do the work' that I am not receiving the pre-agreed compensation in order to do. No pay, no play...it really is that simple.

Additionally, I did meet many sloppy drunks in EF...they never got fired for it. I once saw another FT come to the center still drunk. The DOS gave him a blanket, put him in a fishbowl classroom where all the students could see his drunk ass snoring on the chairs, and let him sleep it off until he was sober enough to teach. Nothing else came of it. Naturally, he stayed at EF, "working" his 45 hour weeks (since EF will be the best job this slob could hope for in his life), and I left to work 15 hours a week. Is that a function of our work ethics, I wonder?

#3 Parent Lucky Strike Larry - 2014-04-16
Re The Selfie Generation may end up teaching English in China.

You're right. Disgusting pair of sluts. Makes you want to find a Chinese wife. However, Tinglishman and SB will think them as pure as the driven snow compared to Chinese girl. So wait for it.

#4 Parent juanisaac - 2014-04-16
Re The Selfie Generation may end up teaching English in China.

If the "selfie" generation keeps going the way they are they might not have these jobs either. The school I work at tells me I am the best teacher they've had. I was shocked because this does not even feel like a job. The other ones were fired for being unrealiable. In other words they did not show up for class, were drunk, or like some guy from Canada before liked to hug his boy students too much. I can't conceive of what work ethic these ex-pats had to not be able to do an unbelievably easy thing as teach Oral English.

TO give some more examples, the first school I worked at did not want to sign another contract with me to hire a strapping young grad from the states. He left after 6 months, and so did the guy after him. With such a bad work ethic young ones are being passed over for middle aged and older teachers in some schools. Better to have a dancing monkey that performs than one that does not get out of his cage.

just saying - 2014-04-15
The Selfie Generation may end up teaching English in China.

Selfie generation.

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