Return to Index › Taizhou Bilingual (scam school)
Fredrick Moore - 2014-04-25
Taizhou Bilingual (scam school)

Ive been around long enough and have taught in China for almost ten years to know that complaining doesn't do a person alot of good. I have had dealings with the taizhou bilingual school and Their associates in the past and my concern is that an Unsuspecting teacher will get caught up with them. They will send their own teachers out to vouch for them yet will leave you or in the cold as far as visas are concerned. For the majority on here it does no good to go on about their errors but my hopes ate is that if someone is encountered by this school I have included my contact details and i Welcome anyone to get in touch with me. Thank you, Iam not trying to be negative and I welcome the chance to further speak with anybody.

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