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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-05-06
Re: Re China's Century?

This is mostly based upon what I'd just hear chatting to various people, but...

Every second company is moving production to other countries due to either lower labour costs or less red tape. Companies are even closing down operations in China. There's one Australian company who have said that moving production from Hong Kong to the mainland actually increased their costs, despite the lower wages and tax incentives of the free trade zone in that city!

The thing is that it is not just the foreign companies suffering from increased protectionist measures, I've even heard rumours of Chinese companies suffering from the changing circumstances like rising wage costs. Of course, a common solution is to move production from the coastal regions to the poorer central and western provinces, but don't be surprised if Africa starts looking more attractive to some of the Chinese companies in the future.

Vietnam, Indonesia and others are already destroying China on the low labour cost front, but even the developed world is looking more attractive than China now. I know of one guy in Dalian who was moving production from China to Canada because the land and tax incentives and plus the relative lack of red tape crap actually make things far easier and profitable for him. Some are even suggesting that Mexico is a more attractive location to manufacture goods than China now (https://www.frbatlanta.org/documents/pubs/econsouth/13q1_mexico_manufacturing.pdf)

China's going to have to do a hell of a lot of innovating or outsourcing of its own to stay competitive in the future.

As for India, they just love to f**k themselves with their own cocks. All the corruption, caste system bullsh*t and lack of modernisation prevents them from achieving their full potential. Overseas Indians will happily tell me that all the time.

#2 Parent Wu Mao Basher - 2014-05-06
Re: Re China's Century?

Look at your Chinglish below, it most likely comes from a Chinese wumao - it's a real crap!

More. Look at every items you are buying in a store, almost all is made in China. Nothing to do with cheap labor, India has lower cheap labor and they cannot compare with China giant manufacture industry.
#3 Parent jao - 2014-05-05
Re: Re China's Century?

More. Look at every items you are buying in a store, almost all is made in China. Nothing to do with cheap labor, India has lower cheap labor and they cannot compare with China giant manufacture industry.

#4 Parent jao - 2014-05-05
Re China's Century?

With the exemption of the 19 and 20 century: ALL the centuries in history have been China century including this one.

#5 Parent photo - 2014-05-05
Re: China's Century?

China Time.

#6 Parent Jim - 2014-05-05
Re: China's Century?

In the 19th century China had lost wars to Britain and Japan and its territory was being divided up into spheres of influence by the major European powers and Japan. It was still ruled by the Manchu or Qing dynasty, an absolute monarchy.

In the 20th century, China emerged as a major world power. The monarchy was abolished in 1911 and a republic was founded. The republic was weak and Japan was able to dominate. It added much of Chinese territory to its empire prior to and during World War II.

After the war the Chinese communist defeated the nationalists and founded a people's republic. This republic remained communist while Mao Zedong, its leader, was still alive. When he died in 1976, China moved towards a free market and today has one of the largest and most prosperous economies

#7 Parent anon - 2014-04-25
Re China's Century?

The Manchus had a large play in the downfall of China, though now they're technically Chinese, too.
If the Ming Dynasty lasted, China might have had led the world in Capitalization.
But that's all "if". The Qing Dynasty's Close Door Policy had strong influence, that lasts even in China today.
It'll probably be another one or two hundred years before Chinese become an open minded, advanced civilization again.

#8 Parent speak_online - 2014-04-25
Re: China's Century?

China is everywhere these days.

#9 Parent juanisaac - 2014-04-25
Re China's Century?

Are you sure? In the past two hundred years China has lost most of the wars it has fought. They lost against France, England, Japan, several countries during the Boxing Rebellion, and even Cambodia! Read about what happened when the CHinese invaded Cambodia. The wars it fought against Vietnam,India, and the USA were draws, to be generous to you.
That China is returning to be the biggest economy in the world is what would be more correct.

#10 Parent vp - 2014-04-25
Re China's Century?

Despite being the largest power, China was nonetheless conquered by "barbarians" on horseback several times. China's belief in its own inherent greatness resulted in a failure to improve and innovate, and a casual dismissal of very real threats that it faced from outside.

The Qing Emperor Qianlong failed to recognize that the Europeans had better ships, better guns, better political structures, and just plain better technology than China did. His descendants failed to understand that the traditional responses to corruption in the Court and the countryside weren't working.

#11 Parent Yáng - 2014-04-25
Re China's Century?

For almost the whole of history China has been the largest power on Earth, a position it is quickly returning to now.

ciu - 2014-04-24
China's Century?

Certainty, or: It remains to be seen.

Picture: Benoit Cezard http://www.benoitcezard.com

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