Return to Index › Hong Kong? - Teachers discussion
#1 Parent Winnie - 2005-09-22
And just who are you? - Teachers discussion

British Bob, who the hell are you? An INTERPOL cop? What's this 'we....' b.s.?

You don't own Hong Kong.

The Hong Kongians probably don't even like you being there. I wouldn't be suprised one bit if you aren't even in Hong Kong.

#2 Parent Rheno747 - 2005-09-21
That's one opinion - Teachers discussion

Thanks for your opinion.


#3 Parent British Bob - 2005-09-20
Hong Kong - Teachers discussion

Rheno, mate

Hong Kong might not be British now but not so long ago...

... you will probably find that your American ploomph is not put up with for one moment...

We dont want you here. Stay where you are or better yet, go back home...

RhenoA380 - 2005-09-20
Hong Kong? - Teachers discussion

Hello, all. I need to hear a few more opinions about teaching in Hong Kong.

If any of you teaching in HK could fill me in on some issues, I'd appreciate it.

What are the students like?
What are the salaries like?
What are the prices like?
Do schools offer airfare reimbursements?
Are the visas and WPs easy to get?
Is it clean?



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