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#1 Parent D. Eacher - 2014-05-23
Re Larry Taizhou bilingual school

How long has old Lecherous Larry been pulling this shyte for?
I can remember crossing paths with him back in 2008 or 2009.

#2 Parent Concerned Teacher - 2014-05-22
Re Larry Taizhou bilingual school

So, larry is still plying his wares I see?

Next, he will be telling you Taizhou is paradise and that the rivers are unpolluted and how great the fishing is *sarcasm*

Take all that horse-shyte sent to you in that email with a big pinch of salt....beach, in Taizhou? Is he mad?

#3 Parent Applicant - 2014-05-22
Re My Appligation to Taizhou Bilingual School....LOL

Well, up to now I did not receive a reply from them. Were they perhaps smart enough to smell the rat?.....hahahaha

#4 Parent Greg - 2014-05-22
Re My Appligation to Taizhou Bilingual School....LOL

Hahahaha That is hilarious!! :D :D :D

#5 Parent Alligant - 2014-05-17
Re My Appligation to Taizhou Bilingual School....LOL

Yeah, the mail I sent was bounced back; and I sent it again to the recent email address you have given.
When I receive any reply, I will post it on here for public amusement....LOL

#6 Parent whoops - 2014-05-17
Re My Appligation to Taizhou Bilingual School....LOL

Iam sorry it was actually taizhoubilingual@126.com that's my bad. Let's all email them again.

#7 Parent Applicant - 2014-05-16
Re My Appligation to Taizhou Bilingual School....LOL

Done! I just sent the text I had published on here before. I will update you when I receive a reply.....LOL...hahahahaha

#8 Parent Alister - 2014-05-15
Re My Appligation to Taizhou Bilingual School....LOL

Please email that to the school that is so great! taizhoubilingualschool@126.com that's their email

#9 Parent Applicant - 2014-05-15
My Appligation to Taizhou Bilingual School....LOL

Application as a Foreign Deecher to Taizhou Bilingual School

Hi you bastards,
it would be such a fun to work with you, and I have therefore decided to apply for a job as an English Deecher at your highly esteemed school.

I am a former pimp, and since the police have arrested all my business ladies, I am currently jobless and want to work as an English Deecher, not a teacher, at your school in China. I am the best qualified person for the job, and you wouldn’t find any better and more suitable candidate for this position. I will make your school a madhouse, introduce table-dancing and will make your students and the Chinese teachers act like white and other monkeys in a muppet show.
I expect to teach 4 classes a week and will require a salary of 45,000 RMB/month for my services rendered to your school, a luxury apartment of Western standards where a pimp like me can live, and a lake near my house where I can leave my pets - four big, fat and nasty crocodile ladies.

Please also do not hesitate to send me a flying carpet so that I can arrive at your school in China on time and will not miss any classes - acting in class like a white monkey is so much fun!

See you soon,
The Piccadelly Circus Pimp

#10 Parent Ed - 2014-05-14
Re: Larry Taizhou bilingual school

this school is advertising on this site

No longer!

#11 Parent Greg - 2014-05-14
Re Larry Taizhou bilingual school

LMAO! That's hilarious thanks for posting! :D :D :D

Alister - 2014-05-14
Larry Taizhou bilingual school

I am a young British male. I have been teaching in China for almost three years. It is amazing when you put your details online in hopes of finding a suitable esl position the kinds of people that contact you. I've recently been contacted by the Taizhou bilingual school. I am absolutely confounded by the way this school treats potential teachers, it just stuns me. Here are some passages from the emails this person has been sending me and if you dont believe me I can take screen shots or forward you the emails.

"Looks like somebody is pushing it a little bit late looking for position. I guess this is good timing that we found each other as I am still in need of a teacher. We are taizhou bilingual school, we are right on the coast. Our school is right on the ocean. You can go lay on the beach between classes and work on your tan that will make all the british girls jealous. This is the best school in china and I am fond of you british bastards you guys are a bunch of fun. So why dont you give my school a chance, maybe send me your documents and we can discuss the contract and salary and I mean hey you can pretty much name your price at my school, theres plently of work and shit loads of students and classes to teach".

ok maybe not too weird but then and I apologize, please understand this is not me saying these things but taizhou bilingual school and if you are like me and are offended by these words by all means this school is advertising on this site and you can and should contact them.

"heres the link to our school son, check it out on esl teachers board. We cant hire aficans and fillipinos so we are looking for someone from a proper western country: u.s, england, so forth. Also you can look of google maps to see how close to the ocean it is, we gotta make sure our kids don't get swept away half the time hehe".

These people or this school should be bloody embarrassed. And then to top it off as if this person didnt get a clue or is just plain f%*ked in the head I get this:

"so whats it gonna be there big fella. Did you get a chance to check out the schools website yet. I hope youve got your sun screen packed. I know the girls here are going to be nuts about you. How long have you been teaching in china for by the way?"

obviously I havent been teaching here long enough to come across weirdos like you and now I am sorry I have.

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